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Bristol Bay Area & SW Alaska

Dillingham area

Wharehouse Mountain
ASLS 87-398  -  apr. 4.28 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as shown on survey:    Lat. 59° 09' 18" N and Long. 158° 43' 31" W  NAD27

    Apr. 3 miles west of the Aleknagik Road is where you will find this very nice parcel.

    This area is well known for large Moose as well as big Bears.  Well, no surprise there, as the big Bruins feed on the area's largest Salmon run as they migrate up the Wood River into the "World Famous" Tikchik Lake region.  Best known for its Fishery.

    With some doing you will get there by ATV, but make no mistake, this is remote, totally off the grid and no walk in the park.

    You may even catch a Grayling or Trout in the small creek the property is bordering, as long as it is not dammed up by the beavers.

    Access to Dillingham is by Alaska Airlines and there you would have to keep an ATV.

    A "Great Buy" with fantastic Hunting and Fishing all around you!  And best of all, at an affordable price.

    Offered for only $14,500.-

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