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Anchorage, AK
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Sold Properties

Area Description Apr. Acres Price Details
Off Lake Louise Road SOLD
Motivated Seller! Will look at any reasonable Offer!!!
A mile plus Off Lake Louise Road, fully surveyed, perfect for your caribou camp or… Snowmobile or ATV access, rough but doable. Check out the Details.
8.59 16,000 Details
Shell Lake area SOLD
Motivated Seller!

A nice lot at the southeastern end of the lake “Toehead Lake”. A great hunting spot! Off the grid living. Access is only by airplane or snowmobile.
5 $25,000
Between Judd Lake & Beluga River SOLD
A nice, affordable lot with a fantastic backdrop of glacier capped mountains. Great Fishing and Hunting all around you!
4.3 25,000 Details
Pike Lake – Copper River SOLD
If you are looking for a needle in the haystack, you have just found it! This has to be the "Best" lot with easy access to the world renowned Copper River, famous for its large Rainbow & Red Salmon Fishery. Definitely check out the Details and you will not be disappointed.
5 89,900.- Details
McCarthy Road area SOLD
Just a short distance north of McCarthy Road, Mile 28, on a dirt road that leads close to the property. A nice, tucked away wooded lot for a very affordable price. The area is literally surrounded by Wrangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve! "Will Discount for Cash"
1.7 15,000 Details
Tolovana / Tanana River "Private Retreat" SOLD
This is best known as the "Old Tolovana Lodge" which is on the historic sled dog trail from Fairbanks to Manely. What you get here is a large well-maintained building. Please check out the pictures. A great historic location with lots of history for the history buff and of course, a comfortable place for you to recreate or… Great Fishing – Hunting! And of course, best known for waterfowl (Minto Flats).
31 165,000 or 115,000 Details
Mama Bear Lake - Cabin SOLD
Drastic Price Reduction
Only about a 15 minute flight north of Talkeetna, will get you into total "Wilderness" and some of the finest Fishing you have ever seen. From Rainbow to Salmon as well as Bears and Moose. It does not get any better! And the little 12'x12' Cabin makes the "Perfect" fishing or hunting camp. Seller will look at any Reasonable Offer.
4.8 39,900 25,000 Details
Crystal Lake Rd between Little Lonely Lake & Rainbow Lake SOLD
If you like to be away, have a large parcel to call your own and yet have Power & year-round maintained roads, you have just found the perfect parcel. About a 1½ hour drive from Anchorage will get you away from all the razzle and dazzle of the big city. Yes, here you could have your garden, a couple of animals or maybe even a dog team to live life the way it was meant to be.
70 295,000 Details
Lake Creek area – Little Bulchitna Lake SOLD
Price Reduction

Motivated Seller
This basic "Trapper" Cabin located on a beautiful lake front lot, has access to Lake Creek (southcentral Alaska's Premier Fishing Stream), with all 5 species of Salmon and Rainbow, plus Bears and Moose. Only a half hour flight from Anchorage or riverboat – snowmobile access. Truly a bargain at this price as this is just about the land value only!!!
4.9 29,000
McCarthy - Kennicott SOLD
What a great find! Not many large parcels available and especially along McCarthy Creek. Located within the Wrangell - St. Elias Park Preserve. Be sure to check out the Detail section.
9.2 60,000 Details
Farewell Lake - Dillinger River area SOLD
On the South Fork of the Kuskokwim River, about 5 miles north of Farewell on a floatplane size lake or gravel bar for access. This is the area where the "Buffalo Roam" and a great spot for the "Big" game hunter. A rare find for an exceptionally great price! See Details.
6.2 49,900 Details
Loon Lake – Cabin, off Lake Louise Road SOLD
An exceptional find! A great Cabin off of Lake Louise Road with a turn out parking area so you don't have to park on the road while you recreate at your cabin. Accessible by ATV or snowmobile. Only about a 3½ hour drive from Anchorage will get you to this little paradise. Surrounded by Fishing and Hunting opportunities. Please check out the photos and the owner's eloquent write up.
3.1 125,000 Details
Denali Lake, Mile 127 Parks Hwy SOLD
Denali Lake front parcel. A very popular area for winter or summer activities. Apr. 2 miles from the highway. Nearby ATV trail systems. Million $ McKinley view from the lake!
4.8 28,000 Details
Tolsona Lake Cabin or ….. SOLD
- One of the nicest float plane lakes in the Copper Valley area, as it is only a half mile off the Glenn Highway, at Mile 169. You are in the center of great Caribou and Moose hunting (check regulations) and also famous for a jumping off point to Crosswind Lake for some trophy Burbot ice fishing. Or enjoy literally hundreds of miles of snowmachine trails throughout the area. This has been a great bachelor pad, offered for a very affordable price. Drive to and hooked up to public electric, 20 minutes from Glennallen for all your basic needs.
1.9 89,000 Details
Bald Mt. Ridge area – apr. 8 mi. N of Wasilla, Church Rd. SOLD
You always wanted to be away from it all and yet be close to shopping and all the other conveniences. Here you are only about 8 miles out of Wasilla at the Foothills of Bald Mt. and a Parcel large enough to have all the privacy you always wanted. A View, absolutely outstanding over the Valley spreading out in front of you. The magnificent Chugach Mts. to the south with the Talkeetna Mts. to your back. Access currently is by ATV or 4 WD P/U. A Must to Check Out! See details.
160 495,000 Details
McCarthy-Kennicott SOLD
- An easy to get to parcel, in in a stunning setting only this area can offer, If you are not familiar with the area, I highly recommend to Google the are to see what all it has to offer, You will be pleasantly surprised. Be sure to check out the detail section.
5 49,000 Details
Lake Minchumina SOLD
One of the nicer lakes at the foot of Mt. Denali with an outstanding View and many recreation opportunities! The small village of Minchumina offers a post office and flights from Fairbanks. So pilot or not this could be your "Perfect" retreat in the wilderness of the Interior of Alaska.
4.8 44,900 Details
Lake Minchumina area SOLD
- 4 parcels next to each other for all the privacy you could want in this beautiful, on a hillside property. Here you should have a great view of Mt. McKinley and the Alaska Range and being only out of the Park a few miles. Of course, there is great Hunting and Fishing throughout this area. Check out the Details.
19.4 60,000 Terms Details
Alaska Peninsula SOLD
A handy lot for a Fisherman or Hunter in an area where private property is hard to come by. Ugashik Bay frontage. Please check out the details as this just may be the "Right" spot for you.
0.94 29,000 Details
Lake Louise - Cabin SOLD
Price Reduced

Located in Blueberry Cove; 2 Cabins and a large Work Shop, fully Furnished, ready for Winter or Summer use. Great Trophy size Burbot or Lake Trout and of course, Caribou and Moose in this very popular area, with year-round road access to Lake Louise.
4.8 250,000
Upper Twin Lake SOLD
A very desirable property, attractive to the "Big" game hunter. Moose – Bear – Caribou – Sheep, you can find it all here. And being remote on the south side of the Glenn Highway, you will not have a lot of pressure. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
24 59,900 Details
Tok area SOLD
About a half hour drive West of Tok just past the Robertson River Bridge (turn out), is where you will find this scenic parcel, about a couple of miles south of the highway. Moose and Bears will be your neighbors, totally "off the grid", in one of the most pristine settings you can only find in "Remote" Alaska. ATV or snowmobile access.
16.83 45,000 Details
Cantwell SOLD
Only 3 miles out of the McKinley Park (on the south side). Totally off the grid. At this time you may still have to backpack in a few hundred feet. Perfect place for your summer cabin, rental cabin or just a place to camp out. But you must hurry as properties in this area, due to it's proximity to the Park, are hard to come by at this bargain price!
¼ acre 17,500 each Details
Petersville Rd. near Sawmill Lake SOLD
Seller will look at any reasonable cash offer!

About 3.5 miles west on Petersville Road, turn south on Nine Mile Creek Trail for about a 1½ . Two nice wooded 5 acre parcels with ATV access and of course, great snowmobiling, moose hunting or just the perfect place to build your dream cabin in the wilds with a great view of McKinley and the Alaska Range
5 14,900 Details
Chelatna Lake

At the foot of McKinley Park with unsurpassed Scenery, Wildlife and Recreation opportunities, simply the “BEST! in this area. Only an hour flight NW of Anchorage or about 40 miles due west of McKinley.  Totally off the grid. If you look for something “Truly Special” where there is rarely any private property coming on the market and thousands of acres of State Land around then this is the “Spot” for you! Fisherman – Hunter & Naturalist Paradise! Something for Everyone.

10.5 285,000 Details
Brooks Range – "Gates of the Arctic National Park" SOLD
Your own Island on Walker Lake with ALL the beautiful Improvements and Lots more! A once in a lifetime opportunity to buy this Fantastic property in the Park Wilderness area. Please check out our Detail section for Pictures, Maps, etc. and you will not be disappointed. The Park Service is an interested party and usually buys those In-Holdings. So if interested you may want to hurry.
19 4,500,000 Details
Lake Susitna SOLD
An outstanding Lot in a quiet, protected Cove with year-round access to Lake Louise and from there by boat or snowmobile on well-maintained trails set by the Wolf Pack. Perfect for the floatplane pilot or boater in this nice, protected cove.
4.5 39,900 Details
5 mi. NE of Yentna River – Big Bend - Cabin SOLD
Price Reduced

A tranquil setting on this picturesque lake. The cabin was quite the show place in its day, but has seen some hard times; a bear break in and the owner has not been there for many years. Truly a "Handyman Special". Seller will look at any reasonable offers.
37 75,000
Ninilchik SOLD
A nice, ocean front Bluff lot only 3 miles south of Ninilchik, where you can shop for all your daily necessities. If you like an unobstructed View, enjoy Fishing and be away from the crowds, well, you just found your "Perfect" spot. About a good 4 hour drive south from Anchorage and a short distance to Homer.
1.3 137,000 Details
Yentna River – Big Bend area SOLD
You want no neighbors, well here you have it! Surrounded by State land and a couple feet back from the river so you don't have to worry about flooding. Reachable by Boat or Snowmobile and maybe a Super Cub on wheels. Great Fishing and excellent Hunting all around you! It rarely gets any better and certainly not for this fantastic price. See Details for location.
39+ 59,900 Details
Cordova area – Hawkings Island – Canoe Passage SOLD - A "Rare" find in this protected area, with great Fishing, all species of Salmon, Halibut, Shell Fish and Sea Life from Whales to Otters and Deer. Beautiful scenery all around you. A perfect place to base yourself out of. 4 59,900 Details
Near Safari Lake SOLD
This parcel offers a $1M View of Mt. McKinley. Apr. 9 miles north as the crow flies from Petersville Road. A great area for you snowmobilers and possible ATV access in the summer for the more adventusresome. Check out the Details. A great price for such a large parcel!
14+ 25,000 Details
Paxson Lake – Log Cabin SOLD
A "Rare" find on this gorgeous 10-mile long lake, about 80 miles north of Glennallen. Year round road access on the Richardson Highway. Please check out the pictures and details and hurry, as properties on Paxson Lake are "Rare" to come by and won't last very long.
2.4 116,000 Details
Yentna River – Upper - Cabin SOLD
Motivated Seller: Will Look At Any Reasonable Offer!!!

About 25 miles up the Yentna River from Skwentna is where you will find this "Little Homestead Setup". Large owner Cabin, kids or Mother in Law Cabin, a Barn, Shed; it is all there, including the moose, bears, etc. not to mention the Great fishing. A little Paradise in the midst of remote wilderness. Owner financing avail. Please check out the pictures.
40.7 199,000 Details
Coal Creek area SOLD
Fishing or Hunting can be quite rewarding in this area. It is only about an hour flight due west of Anchorage and the adventuresome will make it there by snowmobile. Definitely worthwhile to check out and certainly the "Price is Right".
4.8 20,000 Details
Bethel SOLD
Fishermen _ Hunters – Teachers or… If you want to get away from all the razzle and dazzle of the rest of the country, Bethel just may be the right community for you. Google Bethel so you see, it has everything you need: medical facility, police, schools, you name it. Check it out.
24,185 sq.ft 21,000 Details
Yentna River – 3 miles E of Big Bend - Cabin SOLD
Price Reduced

A Homesteader's Dream with lots of "Stuff". An airstrip (overgrown) and Fish Creek frontage, access at this point is by snowmobile, possible jet boat/airboat. Please check out the apr. 10 year old pictures, as the owner has not been there to maintain the place. Truly a Handyman's Special, check it out and let us know if this is a place for you. Seller is open for offers.
37 99,000
McGrath "Hotel" SOLD - This cozy 6 room, Landmark hotel, has served many travelers well in this quaint Village. This is a sale for the property and improvements only, at a great bargain price, as due to Covid and not being able to find help, the owner more or less shut the business down and moved out of state. You could move in and start making money tomorrow. All you need is the willingness to work and live a healthy life in the Village, served twice daily by commercial air service from Anchorage. Please check out the Details and pictures, taken just recently. Apr. 5,000 sq. ft. hotel building & a 1,000 sq. ft. building on the airport ramp. 10,000 sq.ft. 255,000 Details
McGrath – 5-Plex SOLD   225,000  
Slana SOLD
A place so laid back and remote and yet offers all the creature comforts. This is where you want to live if you want to be off the grid and in the back country of Alaska. It just does not get any better; Wildlife – Scenery and any outdoor activities you are capable of doing. You must see the beautiful pictures in the Details section!
Motivated Seller, will look at any serious offer!
11.2 149,750 Details
Chignik SOLD
Location! Location! Location! Same holds true for Fishing Lodges. Does not do you any good if the season is closed or restricted. This Place, hands down ,offers the "Best" fishing around; be it for Halibut – Salmon or Trout. This lodge handles 6-8 guests per week in a nice and comfortable scenic setting. A perfect family operation, about 8,000 sq. ft. under roof. With 2 great Boats, several Vehicles and ALL the Inventory. This is an excellent price in this sizzling real estate market, where in some places you could not even get a one-bedroom house for this price. But hurry, before the owner puts it up for bid with a minimum price being $595K.
0.41 Right Now 595,000 Details
Glennallen - Copper Center SOLD
About 7 miles south of Glennallen along the Pipeline corridor, you turn off at the gravel pit and from there it is by ATV on some existing trails close to the property. Miles and miles of State land to the west for great Hunting! Fishing all around you in the major streams and lakes throughout this area.
19.2 29,900 Details
Nenana River SOLD
About 12 river miles SW of Nenana, a nice and dry wooded parcel in one of the "Best" Moose hunting areas in the Interior. Accessible by river boat. snowmobile or 4 wheeler. Just at the beginning of the West Middle River. If you are a Hunter, you will appreciate this location. Totally out of the burn areas.
5 24,000 Details
Zackar Bay SOLD
- Just a short boat ride from Larsen Bay or a float plane flight from the City of Kodiak, gets you to one of the Best and sought after locations. A protected moorage for your yacht, a fresh water stream and a sandy beach. Surrounded by wildlife. You are in the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge and some of the finest fishing with chrome bright Salmon and not some spawned out fish up a stream. A rare find. Pricey, but worth every penny!
10 95,000 Details
Trapper Creek SOLD
Less than a half mile off the Parks Highway on Petersville Road, is where you will find these two outstanding Lots. There is electric and telephone on the road. You are in the center of all the "Great" outdoor activities Alaska has to offer and the area has an outstanding View of Mt. McKinley, Offered at a very Bargain price (see details).
4.7 35,000 Details
King Salmon SOLD
About 6 miles east of King Salmon (with daily jet service by Alaska Airlines). Two beautiful large Tracts for building your dream Hunting or Fishing getaway. The area is best known for trophy size animals, great fishing from the large King Salmon to the Arctic Char. You will find it all. And of course, if your shooting is done with a camera, the Katmai Wilderness Boundary is only about 15 miles to the east on Naknek Lake. And with a decent size boat you motor right up to Brooks Camp to watch the bears feeding on salmon.
11.5 & 11.8 160,000 each Details
Cordova, 60 miles south – SE AK SOLD
Main Lodge, Out Camp plus another Out Camp or small Lodge near Tsiu River. This is without a doubt the "Best Bargain" the year!!! With over 30 buildings, all well maintained, fully equipped and all there is needed to operate is onsite. This is an "Asset Sale" only as the Lodge is not operating due to an illness of the working partner. The Best" Silver Salmon Fishing statewide and if Hunting is in your blood, well the area is known for its Trophies; be it Moose or Bear. Replacement cost would easily double the asking price, especially at today's lumber and constructions costs. There are 6 or 7 ATVs, 4 Generators, & EVERYTHING one needs to operate, plus there is an apr. 40'x40' Hangar at the Cordova airport. If interested please check out the detailed section, but please no tire kickers as this is a Cash Sale only. The Price you see is for today, as the owner wishes to put the property up for bid by the end of May to parallel the rest of the real estate market.
7.8 1,450,000 Details
Talachulitna R – Star Lake SOLD- Only about a 45 minute flight from Anchorage, is where you will find this wonderful parcel. From here it is just a short walk to the Talachulitna River to fish for ALL Salmon species or trophy Rainbow in the fall. Great moose and bear hunting! And of course, for you snowmobilers there is access along the Yentna River, but you may have to break trail from the Skwentna area to the lake. Check out the Details. 3.4 19,900 Details
Bear Creek – Alexander Lake area SOLD - An almost inaccessible 5 acre tract. About 3 miles southeast of Alexander Lake, but as the name says, lots of Bears and big Moose throughout the area. Check it out it may just be right for you and certainly affordable. 4.9 15,000 Details
McCarthy Road SOLD
About 26 miles in on McCarthy Road just before you cross the Chokosna River, is where you will find this rare, large parcel with road frontage. A "Great Opportunity" for a small business or just your own getaway. Off the grid, but cell service is available. Literally bordering the National Park/Preserve. A must see if you have been looking in that area! Seller may finance for a short period
19 99,000 Details
Whiskey Lake Log Cabin or Home SOLD - on the market. Everything is professionally done with no detail spared. A place you would be proud to show to your friends and business associates. Only a 45-minute flight from Anchorage. Running Hot and Cold Water, Sauna, Bathroom, Guest Cabin, Phone, Internet, big Storage Bldg. and best of all, all the Big Boy Toys; Snowmobile – 4 Wheeler – Backhoe, and of course, fully Furnished with everything including Tools, Boat – well you just have to check out the Details for this one and you will be absolutely astonished. Fishing – Hunting! Access by airplane (floats or skis), snowmobile or boat (boat access within a quarter mile to Hewitt Lake). 37.5 675,000 Details
Aniak – Kuskokwim River SOLD
- A great little village to call home with daily air service from Anchorage; Fantastic Fishing and Hunting all around! And best of all, it comes with a 1,400 sq. ft. building on the first lot from the river. Impossible to replace. Could be used for whatever you like to do. Let your imagine run wild. Seller highly motivated – Check it out!
6,213 sq. ft. 75,000
Off Petersville Road (north) SOLD - Just 200' of so before the pavement stops is where you find the turn out for parking and the Trail Head to this property. Truly a "Million Dollar View" property but you have to experience it for yourself. 3+ miles off the road gets you into the wilderness. Accessible by ATV, UTV or snowmobile. Please check out the Details and Pictures. 28 85,000 Details
Trinity Lake SOLD- 6 contiguous "Lakefront" Lots, with State land in the back of the property. A great opportunity to own such a large parcel, which is almost nonexistent anymore. This area offers some great Hunting for Moose or Bear, plus a fantastic View of the Alaska Range. A "Must See", you will not be disappointed by this special opportunity. 16.9 149,900 Details
A nice, large view parcel on Crosswind Lake, with over 900' of lake frontage. This is a great recreation lake and area; both winter and summer time. According to the owner, this may well be the "Nicest" parcel on the lake. Great for a float plane pilot!
9.9 50,000
Petersville – Moose Creek frontage SOLD - - Two great View Parcels with access, winter or summer; ATV or snowmobile! Far enough off the road to be secluded and enjoy an unbelievable view over the Alaska Range and Mt. McKinley. Lots of Wildlife around, from Moose – Bear to the occasional Wolf and of course, the majestic Eagles looking for their next meal. A definitely "Must See" property if you want to be off the grid but not miles and miles away from a road. 30 & 25 60,000 each Details
Heart Lake SOLD
This very secluded, totally off the grid parcel, is only about 20 miles as the crow flies NE of Talkeetna. There is great hunting; be it Moose – Bear – Wolves or Caribou to the east. Fly in only.
5.5 22,500 Details
Alexander Creek "Handyman Special" SOLD - About 15 miles up the Creek on a nice knoll, is where you will find this exceptional bargain. A 24'x26' partially finished cabin with a half loft. Condition of the improvements are unknown since the owner has not been there for 10 years. The owner would make someone a "Heck of a Deal" for an all-cash sale. Check out the pictures, about 10 years old, to see for yourself. 4.6 69,900 Details
Nenana SOLD
2 nice City lots for a great price near the southwest corner of 4th and F Street in Nenana. There is an overgrown gravel pad on the property. Nenana is apr. 40 miles south of Fairbanks and has all the services one can expect; from school to church, etc. Take a look as this would be the perfect location if you want to relocate to a laid-back community. Check out the Details.
8,264 sq. ft. each 11,900 each Details
Kodiak – Boulder Bay SOLD
An exceptionally rare find with NO neighbors, just State land around you! A great place for Deer or Bear hunting and of course, there are Fish and Shellfish in the Bay. And all that for an unbelievable low price. Check out the Details.
9.8 23,000 Details
Upper Yentna River SOLD
A nice but unfinished 12'x20' cabin amidst great Fishing & Hunting! Access is by small jet boat, snowmobile or airplane (Cub or…) as there is usually about a 600'+- runway on the gravel bar right by the cabin. Check this one out as the price is right and ALL the hard work is done.
17.4 49,900 Details
Willow Lake near Copper Center SOLD
Non lake front, airstrip frontage parcels, you have it all in this beautiful subdivision. We only have 2 lots left. Gravel roads, about a mile off the highway for a quiet setting. The choice is yours, just the right size and location for your little "getaway" or your home site in this lovely area.
See Details 14,000 for both Details
Lake Louise Cabin SOLD
Just at the Outlet of Grayling Creek, is where you will find this clean and neat set up, of a cozy, nice and warm main Cabin and several Outbuildings (see Photos). Great Fishing and Hunting! Access by boat or snowmobile. Short trip from the end of the road. Check out Details.
1.8 120,000 Details
King Salmon – Naknek River Area SOLD
- Just off Rapid Camp Road, such large parcels become a rare find in this area. Naknek River is the Premier fishing stream in the State of Alaska, for Salmon, huge Rainbow Trout, Grayling and Arctic Char. Not to mention the fantastic Hunting and the proximity to Katmai National Park. You like Alaska, here you have it all.
79.4 299,000
Parker Lake "Estate" SOLD
A gorgeous Place and of course, something everyone wants in the wilds of Alaska but only a few can afford. An unobstructed view of McKinley, on a knoll overlooking the lake. A 1,000' runway for your wheel plane and a trail to get to civilization by P/U or ATV. Only about 30 miles NW of Willow. All the amenities of a Custom Home, Guest Cabin, Airplane Hangar with concrete floor and altogether apr. 8 Buildings. If you look for something "Special" this is a "Must See" property!!! Please look at all the Pictures and Details. New bank financing may be available to the well qualified buyer.
4.7 595,000
Brooks Range - Chandalar Lake SOLD
A rare 5 acre parcel just off the runway (convenient, making it easy to build) in this "Fantastic" setting. Great for Hunters as well as Naturalists and Fishermen alike. It can hardly get any better! Access is from Fairbanks by wheel plane. Check it out!
5 45,000 Details
Kogrukluk River – Tributary of Holitna River Cabins SOLD
For a lack of words, we can only describe this as, In the “Middle of Nowhere”, surrounded by millions of acres of State Land. This is the place many of you have been looking for, but in these times it rarely exists any more. Fantastic “Trophy” Moose & Bear Hunting, with literally every species of Game available!  All 5 species of Salmon, Private Airstrip, 3 Jet Boats… Well, you just have to look at the Details to see it ALL.  Then call us if this is the Place for You.
40 399,000 Details
Hewitt Lake - Cabins SOLD
Truly a "Handyman Special", an Estate Sale, where literally what you see is what you get. A great, large Tract of land in a good Fishing and Hunting area with access by jet boat, plane or snowmobile. Please check out all the Pictures and our Detailed information.
28 199,000 Details
Hewitt Lake SOLD
Price Reduction

One of the "Best" parcels on Hewitt Lake with a fantastic McKinley view; jet boat accessible or float plane / snowmobile access. One of the lowest prices we have seen for such a large Tract, as 5 acre waterfront parcels in the area are going from $20K to $35K. See Details.
Seller will owner finance with around half down, balance negotiable
20 50,000
Chelatna Lake – Executive Retreat SOLD
Great Price Reduction!!!
A stunning "Custom Build" Log Cabin on one of the most beautiful lakes Alaska has to offer on the edge of McKinley National Park. Fantastic Fishing! Trophy Rainbow – Reds, etc. Large Bears (Black and Brown) wondering in and out of the Park. Some trophy moose have been taken throughout this area. Fully furnished. Nice boat and low time ARGO included. Please look at all the Pictures and you will agree you cannot duplicate this place for the price.
11.7 575,000
Johnstone Bay SOLD
- A great find in one of the most beautiful areas of Alaska! With floating ice bergs in Johnstone Lake from the magnificent Excelsior Glacier, to be explored by you. Great sea life, Whale watching, and surrounded by National Forest. A paradise for canoeing or…. about 30 miles east of Seward, Prince William Sound.
5 & 4.8 70,000 for both Details
35 M. NW of Tok SOLD
This parcel is apr. a mile off the highway, with the access being by dirt road. Totally off the grid. Great hunting throughout the area! A great price being that it has a great View and reasonably good Access.
4.9 18,000 Details
Lake Clark - Keyes Point SOLD

A large parcel at Keyes Point – Portage Bay side. Great for a floatplane, boat or… Scheduled air service out of Anchorage. Protective Covenants. Caretaker on site. Wonderful development. See Pictures and Details.
4.5 26,000
Glennallen -Tazlina area SOLD - A nice Lot on a gravel road, just a few miles south of Glennallen. Already cleared for a driveway/building site. A perfect getaway into Fishing and Hunting country or for year-round residency as Phone and Power is right there. About a mile West of the Richardson Highway (see pictures and directions in our Details section). 5 34,500 Details
Crosswind Lake Cabin SOLD - About a 3-hour drive towards Glennallen to Tolsona Lake Lodge and from there about a 20 mile snowmobile trip or a short charter flight. This lake is quiet and relaxing and a lot less busy than Lake Louise. Here you have the "Best" Burbot / ice fishing around and twice a year the Mighty Nelchina Caribou Herd migrates through this area with literally hundreds and hundreds crossing the lake ice in the spring. A fantastic View lot with an older cabin. At a very low price. 4.2 40,000 Details
Pelican SOLD
The "Best" location in beautiful SE Alaska, surrounded by emerald green forests and snow peaked mountains. Remote, yet reasonable easy access to Pelican, 3 times daily with connecting flights on Alaska Airlines to Juneau. Fishing in those protected waters is outstanding! Be it Halibut, Kings, Silvers or Rock Fish. You combine this beautiful scenery with all the Wildlife present and your friends, business associates or guests will in awe and will have a trip of their lifetime. This is not your typical "drive by", one really has to see this place to get the feel of it. I personally visited this place and totally fell in love with it and all it has to offer. Please look at the pictures in the Details section.
2.2 475,000
Bob's Lake – off Lake Louise Road SOLD
- ATV – Snowmobile access, only 2 miles from the Lake Louise Road Trailhead. A quiet setting with Moose and Caribou as your neighbors and Fishing all around you. This is an Estate Sale, and the seller may discount this price for a "Quick – Cash Sale" so hurry you don't to miss out.
5.4 30,000 Details
Hiline Lake SOLD - About a 45 minute flight west of Anchorage or snowmobile access. Close to the Talachulitna River for great Fishing. And good Hunting all around you as it backs up to State land. A truly, nice large westerly facing property, perfect to watch the sun set over the Alaska Range while barbequing your favorite meal. See Details. 15 45,000 Details
Hyder – Salmon River SOLD
These surveys, dating back to the late 18th Century, started out as mining claims, but are now fee simple land. Located about 10 miles North of Hyder on the Salmon River, a stone's throw away from the Canadian Border. Great for Recreation: Fishing or Hunting. Well, the name of the river says it all. Please check out the Details. And maybe you know a surveyor who can give you a more specific acreage, but our guess is around 100 acres + - .
100+- 199,000 Details
Meadow Lakes SOLD
Only about 6 miles out of Wasilla, is where you will find this well treed building lot, with electric and natural gas right there. Located in a very nice neighborhood just waiting for you to build dream home. Owner offers Great Terms! Motivated Seller. Will consider any reasonable Offer.
1.2 22,000 Details
Kroto Creek – Log Cabins SOLD
At the upper end of Kroto Creek/Deshka River, accessible off Petersville Road then Oilwell Road, about a 3-hour drive north of Anchorage is where you will find these 2 beautiful Log Cabins: Main & Guest Cabin. All fronting the river that is known for great Fishing. One could float from Amber Lake down to this property for an easy day trip, to teach your kids to fish and enjoy the outdoors. Please take a look at the pictures and see for yourself this just might become your new weekend getaway. Off the grid. Cell phone works depending on carrier.
5 165,000 Details
Sucker Lake SOLD
This lake is apr. 5 miles south of Alexander Lake or about 9 miles West of the Susitna River. Truly a great jumping off point for a successful Moose or Bear hunt at the foothills of Beluga and Susitna Mountain. With an "Old" cabin. See details.
5 30,000 Details
Stony River SOLD- We are proud to have been selected as the exclusive agency for this remarkable & unique property which is like finding a "Needle in a haystack". Totally surrounded by State land, no neighbors for miles & miles. Stony River one side and a large floatplane size lake on the other side. Fantastic Fishing and Hunting! Two runways to accommodate anything from a Super Cub, single engine Cessnas, Beaver, etc. This used to be and is still operated as an exclusive Hunting & Fishing Lodge until the end of September 2022. This is an "Asset Sale" only, no business. 34 399,500 Details
Upper Fish Lake SOLD

A floatplane owner's dream. A nice protected, heavily wooded lot. Great Hunting or Fishing! Possible jet boat access (small boat) or snowmobile from Deshka Landing (Willow). Owner financing for the "Right" person.
4.9 23,000
Lake Creek Area Unnamed Lake SOLD
Secluded and Quiet, just the way you wanted it. Only accessible by small airplane and possibly snowmobile. About a half mile walk to the World famous Lake Creek, with all 5 Species of Salmon and "Trophy" Rainbow. Of course, there are Moose and Bear in the area.
4.4 17,500 Details
Tok area SOLD
About a half hour drive West of Tok, just past the Robertson River Bridge (turn out) is where you will find this scenic parcel. Located about a couple of miles South of the highway. No Neighbors, but you may have Moose – Caribou or the occasional Bear. You are totally "Off the Grid" and the parcel is fully surveyed. This nice property is located in one of the most pristine settings you can only find in "Remote Alaska. ATV or snowmobile access. Check out all the beautiful photos, etc. in the Details section.
9 25,000 Details
Yentna River – Big Bend SOLD
- A nice, high and dry large Tract, with a stunning View of Mt. McKinley and Foraker. Easy access from Willow by boat or snowmobile, apr. 1 hour. You literally have 100's of river miles to explore to stalk your trophy Moose or Bear, catch a King Salmon or just relax and enjoy the quietness.
8.2 35,000 Details
8 Mile Airstrip – Skwentna Area SOLD
You asked for it and here it is! A beautiful, nice large parcel with lots of frontage on the airstrip and only about a half hour flight from Anchorage into this wilderness setting. Truly a "Rare" find, so do not hesitate as there are only a few airstrips like this around. See the Details.
7.58 35,000 Details
Brooks Range SOLD
- As Prime of a Property you can ever find in this Wilderness setting. Accessible by bush plane on wheels, located within the National Arctic Wildlife Refuge, apr. 30 miles northwest of Arctic Village. Overpowering beauty and wildlife surrounds you. Please check out the pictures in our Details section.
106.6 175,000 Details
Yentna – Fish Creek Area, Bear Paw Lake Log Cabin SOLD
Price Reduction

This original "Trapper Cabin", apr. 20'x24' with half Loft, is what you always wanted, with wood heat, a wood cooking stove and basic furniture. There are big Pike in the lake and great Fishing all around you! Of course, if you hunt, there is Moose & Bear. Check out the pictures as this might be just the Right" place for you. Seller will look at all reasonable cash offers.
Aurora Lake Cabin SOLD
A nice clean Package on a large parcel. Beautiful Cabin, Sauna Building, Tool Shed and Outhouse all located on a small ridge overlooking the lake. This is a ready to move in property you will be proud to own. Remote yet easy to get to. The Trailhead is about 3.4 miles west of the Parks Highway/Petersville Road. From there a snowmobile or ATV trail will get you to the property. Off the road far enough to have all your Alaskan animals common to that area for your new neighbors. Take a look at it and you won't be disappointed. See Pictures in our Detail section.
10 135,000 Details
Talkeetna area SOLD
On the southerly bluffs of the Talkeetna River about 10 miles east of the quaint village of Talkeetna is where you will find this nice recreation property. Access would be by snowmobile or ATV. You have Larsen Creek about a half mile to the east for Fishing and Moose and Bear throughout the area. A great place to recreate with your family.
3.5 35,000 Details
60 mi. SW of Nenana - Beaver Lake SOLD
A great parcel, with a View of McKinley, on a lake full of Pike and of course, Moose – Caribou and Wolves will be the most neighbors you see. Access is by float/ski plane, possibly snowmobile if you know what you are doing. See the Details.
5.6 17,000 Details
East Flanks of Lake Clark National Park Drift River area – Unnamed Lake Cabin SOLD

A stunning setting in Paradise for Fisherman or Hunter. Less than a mile from the Park boundary and a short floatplane flight from Kenai across Cook Inlet. You have to check out the pictures, detailed write up and all the "Goodies" that come with it. And you will agree that this is truly a Bargain.
11.6 89,900 Details
Yentna River SOLD
About 13 miles up the river, just below the S Turn, a nice large tract with apr. 600' of river frontage. Easy access; summer or winter. Great Hunting with ATV access to the back country and Fishing all around you. Do not wait too long, as due to Covid, land is selling fast if you have not heard yet.
7+ 35,000 Details
Heart Lake area – Clear Creek area SOLD
- About 20 miles north of Talkeetna, will get you into this great Hunting area. Your closest, reasonable access would be by ski or float plane to Heart Lake. You may get there by snowmobile, but it would be an expedition and NOT for the novice. But yes, if you want to be secluded and bag a "Big" one, this may just be the right spot you have been looking for and at a great price.
36 20,000 Details
Dune Lake near Nenana SOLD
Price Reduction

About 25 miles southwest of Nenana is where you will find this "Remote" lake teeming with large Rainbow Trout (see seller's photo in the detail section). Access would be by snowmobile or by a ski/float plane. Beautiful view of the Alaska Range with lots of Game in the area. Very reasonably priced for all the enjoyment you will get from being there. Motivated Seller
4.7 12,000
Crosswind Lake Cabins SOLD
- On a large Tract of land about 500 foot back from the Lake, on a hill with a stunning View of the Wrangell Mountains to the east. Some of the "Best" fishing for Burbot and Lake Trout, as well as Grayling, with a small Red Salmon run. Great Moose or Caribou hunting and of course, Black and Brown Bear. One can float from the outlet all the way down to the Gulkana River. Best of all, no real property taxes! Please check out all the Pictures in our Detail section and you will be impressed.
12 129,900 Details
Kahiltna River area – Lake 410 (local name) SOLD - A great place for Moose or Bear hunting or to get away from it all. Only a 35 minute flight northwest of Anchorage, between 2 small lakes. A great place to build. Snowmobile or fly your Super Cub to it. A fantastic price for 3 individual lots being sold together. Seller will discount for Cash! 9.5 15,000 Details
Yentna – Skwentna Rivers – Canyon Lake SOLD
Price Reduction
- A nice parcel on the popular Canyon Lake. Seldom do we see property come available in this area, but here you have it. Close to "Great" Fishing, "Fantastic" Hunting, accessible only by airplane (float, skies) or snowmobile. A great buy for a special property! See our Details.
5 17,000
Prince Wm Sound/Little Johnstone Lake SOLD
The (previous) seller staked this "Gem" on Little Johnstone Lake and he had his pick so naturally he chose the "Best" parcel on the lake. Here you will have breathtaking Scenery, Wildlife galore for your neighbors, great Fishing and best of all, Peace and Quiet.
4.68 39,000 Details
Lake Minchumina Cabin SOLD
Undoubtedly Interior Alaska's most desirable lake! This is due to the fantastic View of Mt. McKinley, the abundant Wildlife (proximity to the Park) and the beautiful Northern Lights the area is known for as well as great summers! A nice Cabin, well-built and everything stays; from boat, motor, power tools, generator, etc. And best of all, as the seller said, he would make someone a "Hellava deal" for a cash sale. You must check out our detailed section and photos.
4.8 78,500 Details
Skwentna River SOLD
A beautiful high and dry lot on the Skwentna River about 6 miles upstream from Skwentna. A great place to base yourself out of for: "Fantastic" Fishing (Talachulitna River) or Hunting. Access is by riverboat or snowmobile.
5 $15,000 Details
Little Johnstone Lake SOLD
A great protected location amidst great Fishing and Wildlife. Accessible by airplane or water taxi out of Seward. Unbelievable scenery and truly a rare find! Lake frontage and access by small boat or raft to the ocean (check your tide book as the little stream coming from the lake may go dry at low tide).
1.6 55,000 Details
Lake Clark – Keyes Point SOLD
A beautiful development, with a nice Gravel Runway, Year-Round Caretaker and Covenants to protect your investment. A nice recreation property (no commercial use) on the shores of beautiful Lake Clark in Lake Clark National Park/Preserve.
2.5 19,900 Details
Ketchikan area SOLD
- A place with a lot of history, less than 20 miles east of Ketchikan on a little fresh water Creek. This was an old mining claim from the Turn of the Century, and yes you may do a little gold panning, might even find a big nugget. It is fee simple land. A perfect get away spot in a beautiful and stunning setting. From Fishing to Wildlife, it doesn't get any better and all for a low price.
17.3 35,000 Details
Donkey Lake / Creek SOLD
The "Perfect" lot, close to the Outlet of Donkey Lake with great Salmon fishing – Moose hunting and lots of Bears along the Creek feasting on the Salmon. Accessible by Snowmobile, small Jet Boat and of course, float or ski Plane.
3 20,000 Details
Crosswind Lake - Log Cabin SOLD
This is a Lake where every astute fisherman wants to have a place, but then there is only so much available. It has Trophy size Lake Trout and Burbot fishing with Salmon in August. If you hunt you have Moose, Caribou, and of course Bears (Black and Brown). A comfortable Log Cabin to keep you warm. A "Million Dollar View!!" 17 miles off the main road; Snowmobile access or float plane from Tolsona Lake. Possibly ATV access (challenging). Please look at all the Pictures in our Details section.
4.7 139,900 Details
Lake Creek area – Cabin – 20 Mile Slough SOLD
Close to Lake Creek for "Best" fishing; Rainbow or Salmon, yet far enough away to experience the real Alaska. Amidst great Bear and Moose hunting. Reachable by jet boat from Willow or snowmobile, apr. 2-hours, or floatplane from Anchorage (1 half hour). A "Diamond in the Rough". Comes with all the Toys and Equipment one needs. Please look at the pictures and the detailed write up and the Owner's Disclosure for the equipment.
12 85,000 Details
Cabin - Quartz Cr. area near Skwentna R SOLD
Price Reduction

Off the grid and with all the Big Boy Toys you can imagine. Kubota Loader-Backhoe, Snowmobile, 4 Wheeler, Blaze King Stove, Generators, Chainsaws, you name it. Well-built cabin; metal roof and siding, insulated and most of the materials there to completely finish. You have to look at the Pictures and the Equipment List to appreciate all that is there. Currently the only Cabin on the small lake. Fly in or snowmobile access. Offered for a Bargain price for a Quick Sale.
Seller will look at any reasonable offer and will provide some Owner Financing!
11 59,000
Eureka – Upper Twin Lake

Across the valley from Eureka with the Trailhead starting just before you cross the Nelchina River. Access is possible for snowmobiles or Argos if you are brave enough. Great Hunting & Fishing! Sheep – Bear or Moose. Rainbow of Grayling.  Big tall trees on the property for your cabin project. This is truly an area where seldom a parcel comes on the market. You are out of the taxable area of the Mat Su Borough. Please check out the Details and see if you are venturesome enough for this “Remote – Off the Grid” parcel.

14.3 49,900 Details
McCarthy "Cabin Project" SOLD- Please take a look the pictures in the Details section to see that this is truly, "his loss your gain". A large parcel by McCarthy Creek, lots of building materials; tools, 4 wheeler, generator, etc. just waiting to explore that "Handyman" in you. 9.1 50,000 Details
Glennallen – Log Cabin SOLD- A rare find for a "Special" price, this Log Cabin apr. 3 miles off the Glenn Highway just before you get into Glennallen. You can drive within a ¼ mile and then by ATV or by snowmobile. Secluded – great Hunting and Fishing all around you! Definitely check out the Details on this one!! 19.95 39,900 Details
Lake Louise area– Jan Lake SOLD
A great buy is offered for this Jan Lake Cabin, which is truly a master piece of craftsmanship. A large water front parcel with a "Fantastic" view at a remote, off the grid location, but yet not so remote that you can't get there easily by snowmobile or ATV. Although the ATV trip is a bit harder and something you may not want to do daily. This is a must for you to check out in our Detail section!!! As there is "literally tons of goodies" included with the purchase.
12.7 159,900 Details
Talachulitna R – Star Lake SOLD
Just a short walk from this nice lake, gets you to Alaska's Premier fishing stream, the Talachulitna River. There are all 5 species of Salmon, Trophy Rainbow….. Big Moose and Bears all around this area. This would be a great place for your Fishing or Hunting cabin, totally off the grid, small plane or snowmobile access. Check out the Details.
4 15,000 Details
Yentna River – Fish Creek - Log Cabin

Motivated Seller! Will look at any reasonable Offer.

About 3 miles up from Lake Creek is where you find Fish Creek. This property is on a small lake reachable by small airplane or snowmobile, possible boat access. The cozy Log Cabin, apr. 20'x24', could be the right getaway spot for your winter or summer adventure. It is apr. 2 hours by boat or snowmobile from Willow/Deshka Landing or about a half hour flight from Anchorage. Check out the Details!

3.19 79,000 Details
Kenai Peninsula SOLD
One of the "Rarest" finds in a long time, a parcel this size, held privately with no farm land restrictions or.. This could be your private game reserve, although there are a couple small creeks with Salmon, Rainbow, Steelhead, Grayling and Cutthroat trout. There are large Grizzly and big Moose. Access is by a gravel road to the NW and the SE area of the property. A "Great" buy if you are in the market for a large parcel, as this size almost becomes unheard of in Alaska any more.
Workable Seller, will look at any reasonable Offer and may even do some owner financing for the "right" party.
apr. 537 830,000 Details
Tyone River – Lake Louise area SOLD
Motivated Seller
A "Once in awhile Rare find", no neighbors, just government land surrounding you. And all that with a beautiful Log Cabin, Log Guest Cabin, Shop Bldg. and the "Old" Homestead Cabin. This is a "Must See"! As its features rival some custom homes. Great Hunting – Fishing – Caribou – Moose – Bear & Wolf. Year round access to Lake Louise and from there about 25 miles by jet boat or snowmobile.
5 219,000
Wrangell – Zimovia Strait SOLD
A very nice lot with large trees in a very protected bay in this beautiful, southeastern setting. Lots of Wildlife and of course, some of the finest Fishing for Salmon, Halibut or Rock Fish! Great for exploring the area by canoe, seeing whales, etc.
2.4 38,000 Details
Johnstone Bay Cabin SOLD
Johnstone Bay Cabin (please see Owner's eloquent write up in the Details section.
4.39 69,000 Details
Johnstone Bay SOLD
A magnificent Lot, only this area can offer. Should definitely be on your "Must See" property list if you plan on owning a Piece of Alaska.
4.47 29,000 Details
Lake Clark – Flat Island area SOLD- One of the most sought after locations on Lake Clark for the Floatplane owner! About 8 miles southwest from Port Alsworth with daily scheduled flights from Anchorage. Lake Clark – National Park is well known for its stunning Beauty – great Fishing – Wildlife and Boating. This Parcel is out of the Park, which makes it also appealing to the Hunter. 9.9 57,500 Details
Rainy Pass "Log Cabin" SOLD
- A very "Rare" find in this wonderful area where only a few lucky ones have some private property. Over many years in business, we have only sold a handful of properties in this huge area, as most of them become a family treasure. Surrounded by State land on 3 sides and the river in front right at Hell's Gate in a setting so beautiful you just have to be there to believe and take it all in. Several Log Cabins, beautifully handcrafted by a real craftsman. A "Hunters" Paradise as literally every game species is available in this area, from trophy Dahl sheep, big Moose, Caribou, Bears or Buffalo. A Must See!!! If you want to be that Remote, about 1 ½ hour flight from Anchorage or a long day by snowmobile.
4.6 249,900 Details
Crystal Lk Rd, Little Lonely Lake SOLD
A beautiful, heavily treed parcel fronting on Crystal Lake Road & touching Little Lonely Lake on the southwest corner. This is a perfect tract for an investor who wants to split the parcel into 3 parcels and have road frontage on all 3 parcels. Year round maintained roads off of Nancy Lake Road or from Willow along Long Lake Road.
39.7 195,000 Details
Betw. Healy & Nenana - remote SOLD
At Mile Post 275, just before you go across the bridge on the Nenana River, you go west from that parking lot on an ATV/snowmobile trail to reach this beautiful parcel, about 10 miles in. You may have to put the trail in for the last mile or so as this creek frontage parcel is remote, off the beaten path & totally off the grid. A great View over the AK Range from this foothill location!
20 23,900 Details
Whiskey Lake Log Cabin or Home SOLD
- We have not seen such a nice property as this one come on the market for many years. Everything is professionally done with no detail spared. A place you would be proud to show to your friends and business associates. Only a 45-minute flight from Anchorage. Running Hot and Cold Water, Sauna, Bathroom, Guest Cabin, big Storage Bldg., Phone, Internet
37.5 550,000 Details
Glenn Highway – Near Lake Louise cutoff SOLD
An inexpensive, "Off the Grid" parcel, about ¾ miles off the highway, with a view and trees. Great recreation property and the "Best" buy we have seen!
10.3 11,500 Details
McCarthy Road SOLD
A stunning parcel close to the Wrangell – St. Elias National Park, about half way between Chitina and McCarthy and easy to get to. Totally "Off the Grid", for a very affordable price. Check out the Details.
2.8 30,000 Details
On Petersville Road SOLD
Less than a half mile off the Parks Highway on Petersville Road, is where you will find these two outstanding Lots. There is electric and telephone on the road. You are in the center of all the "Great" outdoor activities Alaska has to offer and the area has an outstanding View of Mt. McKinley (see details).
4.7 each Lot 1 - $45K ; Lot 2 - SOLD $30K Details
Trapper Lake SOLD
Motivated Seller!
Price Reduction

A great opportunity to buy 2 Parcels on a nice knoll! This lake offers a fantastic View of McKinley! Easy access by snowmobile – a perfect spot for the float plane owner or just a short commercial flight out of Talkeetna. Total Price only $29.9K
3.7 & 4.2 29,900
Brooks Range SOLD
- A once in a Lifetime find! As there are less than a handful of private parcels along this Pipeline Corridor/Haul Road from the Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay. This is a rare Estate Sale. The Parcel fronts on the Dietrich River and the Kuyuktuyuk River, with 2 Hand Hewed Log Cabins, 300 yards from the Gates of the Arctic National Park and any kind of Wildlife you can imagine, plus the Magnificent Scenery. A Must-See Property – Check the Details!!!
87.49 220,000 Details
Clear Creek - Talkeetna SOLD
- A much sought after location with great Fishing or Hunting right out your "front door". Only 2 miles up from the Talkeetna River; jet boat from Talkeetna, apr. 6.5 miles or by 4 wheeler, about 9 miles. A rare find for the outdoor enthusiast! See Details.
4 32,000 Details
Petersville Road – Gate Creek SOLD

"2" Choice parcels in this beautiful little development, in the Heart of Alaska's "Finest" recreation area. 4 Wheeling – Snowmobiling – Exploring old Mining Country – Northern Lights Viewing - Fishing – Hunting and last but not least, the "Best" VIEW you can have of Mt. McKinley. This area offers it all and only 3 hours north of Anchorage, on a year round maintained road.
Owner Financing available with 20% down.
35,000 each
Yukon River SOLD
About 2 miles up the river from the Yukon River Bridge/Dalton Highway, here is a beautiful 40-acre tract. Yes, it is here you can let your imagination run wild: Fishing – Hunting – Exploring, maybe even a little Prospecting or just lay back and watch the river go by. Truly a rare find! Remote & Wild and yet access to civilization.
40 60,000 Details
Pr. of Wales Is. - Quiet Cove – Thorne Bay SOLD
Motivated Seller!

A floating house in a very protected bay on the easterly side of Prince of Wales Island or apr. 45 miles north westerly of Ketchikan. As unique as it can get for a very affordable price, this could be your vacation retreat or year round living as the present owner does. The choice is yours. Please check out pictures. State Land Use Permit
Check out New Photos Inside!!!
  70,000 Details
Drift River area – Unnamed Lake Cabin SOLD Just across Cook Inlet from Kenai is where you will find this absolutely, remarkable stunning setting! The cabin is not quit finished but all the hard work has been done. Check out the details and pictures as this is really a "Place in Paradise". 11.6 57,000 Details
Glennallen - Old Edgerton Hwy SOLD- Truly a nice parcel on the Old Edgerton Highway (year round maintained), with Power & Telephone on the road. Very little traffic and a very nice building lot for your new home or… 6.2 39,900 Details
Kodiak SOLD
Huge Price Reduction
One of the "Finest" lodges on Kodiak located in a small village with power, water and twice daily air service from the City of Kodiak. Due to the clientele sensitivity the owner did not want the sale of this lodge publicized. Please see in the Detail section on how to obtain more information. The owner may finance a responsible, experienced party with a minimum of 50% down.
2.8 1,390,000
Shell Lake SOLD
Price Reduction
- A large Tract of land on the sunny side of Shell Lake with apr. 800' of Lakefront. Totally off the grid. Access by snowmobile or float/ski plane only. Owner will finance with 50% down.
23 35,000
Pr. of Wales Is. - Quiet Cove – Thorne Bay SOLD
Motivated Seller!

A floating house in a very protected bay on the easterly side of Prince of Wales Island or apr. 45 miles north westerly of Ketchikan. As unique as it can get for a very affordable price, this could be your vacation retreat or year round living as the present owner does. The choice is yours. Please check out pictures. State Land Use Permit
Check out New Photos Inside!!!
  70,000 Details
Little Johnstone Bay SOLD
Two inexpensive properties, secluded with a Million Dollar View! Please check out the Details.
3.4 & 2.9 $15,000 per lot Details
Fish Creek SOLD
- This Fish Creek is off Kroto Slough just off the mouth of the Yentna River. Yes, there is some great Salmon fishing! Stay left and it will funnel you into Fish Creek and this property is about 5-6 miles up the creek, doable by jet boat. It may take a small jet boat and not your 28' footer inboard (you check it out) and it will get you into some fine Hunting with a secluded setting and I have been told you may even catch a Rainbow of two. See more information in our Detail section.
9.91 16,000 Details
Yentna River – Big Bend area SOLD- Beautiful, high and dry ground. Nice trees. View! Great salmon fishing all around you. Lots of wildlife! Easy boat or snowmobile access. 5 $39,500 Details
Valdez Commercial City Lot SOLD
- The absolute "Finest" Valdez location one can purchase in this thriving community of Valdez! Fronting the Richardson Highway/Egan Drive, a couple blocks from the harbor and amidst all the activities.
37,150 s.f. 295,000 Details
Shell Lake – Onestone Lake SOLD
A nice, inexpensive and secluded lot off the grid. Snowmobile – Float or Ski plane access. Just waiting for you to build your dream cabin.
5 9,900 Details
Holitna R area near Sleetmute SOLD
- Extraordinary Fishing or Caribou hunting camp, between the Ho & Holitna River. Float or ski plane access only. 12'x20' Cabin already there with all the essentials. Totally off the grid in a truly magnificent & remote area. Not for the feint of heart.
Great Terms! Seller will finance with a 25% down payment, Balance over 5 years @ 5% APR.
5 75,000
Kasilof River SOLD
- Apr. 600' of river frontage, a nicely wooded parcel, just waiting for your recreation cabin or… so if you are a fish enthusiast and hate the Kenai crowds, you just found the "Perfect" fishing spot. But keep in mind the only access is by boat.
8.7 65,000
"IN" Gates of the Arctic – National Park Wilderness SOLD
Seems like once in a while we get such a unique parcel as this one. A large portion of this parcel is in the Wilderness Area with the remainder in the Park. Lake front on an unnamed lake teeming with Fish and of course home to the Grizzly – Caribou – Wolf – Arctic Fox – Dahl Sheep, etc. Please check out our detailed description and maps. If interested do not waste any time as I assure you, you will not be the only one interested in this "Outstanding Parcel".
160 199,900 Details
Hiline Lake area – "Cozy" Log Cabin SOLD
A genuine Alaska Log Cabin nestled in the Alaska wilderness just a short distance from Hiline Lake, which is about a 40-minute flight by Float or Ski Plane from Anchorage – Lake Hood. One may get there by snowmobile but not by the novice. A Food Cache to keep the bears out of your food supplies and the "Ol" Outhouse. A great getaway at an affordable price!
20 47,500 Details
Yentna River near Skwentna SOLD
A nice cabin property just waiting for you; Fishermen or Hunters, to get away from the crowds. A great place to snowmobile to or there is boat access and only a 1½ from the Skwentna airstrip, serviced by mail planes 3 times a week or more. Check out our Details.
4.9 20,000 Details
Glenn Highway MP 163 SOLD
- A nice, large wooded tract, accessible by ATV, apr. ¾ miles off the highway. Great View! Fantastic spot for Caribou hunting – Snowmobiling or….
20 20,000 Details
SE of Manley Hot Springs SOLD
- Geskakmina Lake is located south of the Tanana River & west of the Kantishna River in one of the most beautiful setting the Interior has to offer. Great hunting! Fantastic views from this area of McKinley and the Alaska Range!! All at a bargain price.
4.99 12,299
Keyes Point SOLD
- A great price for this nice Lot. Great Fishing and Magnificent Wildlife and of course, the scenery of Lake Clark National Park/Preserve. Easy access by scheduled air carrier out of Anchorage.
2.5 12,000 Details
Alexander Creek SOLD
Price Reduction
This is one of the "Best" if not the best property on Alexander Creek, which is only a 15 flight from Anchorage, or reachable by boat or snowmobile. This place has everything to offer and then some more. It comes totally furnished and equipped with all the tools and toys; Workshop, Guest Cabin and the List goes on. Please check out the Details and all the pictures; You Will Not Be Disappointed.
Great Terms! Seller will finance with a 25% down payment, Balance over 5-10 years @ 5% APR.
1.79 185,000
Palmer – Wolverine Rd. - Trail SOLD
- Only about 15 miles from Palmer on the south side of the Mat Su River, about straight across from Sutton, is where you will find this large tract of land. Off the grid and ATV/snowmobile accessible.
19.6 58,000
Keyes Point SOLD
Remote, yet served by daily flights from Anchorage. A very nice lot in a protective bay at the end of the subdivision for your quiet enjoyment. Great Fishing or Hunting throughout that area!
3 25,000 Details
Big River SOLD
On the western side of the Alaskan Range, totally surrounded by State land, with ATV access to a public, gravel runway. Great recreation opportunities from Hunting – Mountain Climbing or Fishing! Apr. 1¾ hour flight due West of Anchorage by small airplane. Totally off the grid.
17.7 27,500 Details
Trapper Lake - Cabin SOLD
An Exceptional Buy; Main Cabin, Guest Cabin, Sauna and Shed. Yes, it may take some TLC, but all the hard work is done and there is easy access by snowmobile. Or just a short flight by float or ski airplane. Please check out the Details and Pictures.
5.2 74,950 Details
Larsen Bay - Uyak Bay Cabins SOLD
- A stunning Ocean View parcel in a protective, deep water cove with fantastic Fishing, Hunting & Sea life all around you. A basic 2 Bedroom Cabin, a large 20'x40' Shop Building with a Bunkroom partitioned off in the back, Gear/Meat Shed; furnished and lots of extras. But best of all, this parcel is surrounded by Native - Refuge land.
2 129,900.-
LaTouche Island SOLD
A nice recreation lot as described by the seller, in the wonderful setting of LaTouche Island. Offered for a very reasonable price! Off the grid but well worth it! Please check out the seller's description.
0.93 16,000 Details
Chulitna River area (Middle Fork) SOLD
About 20 miles south from Cantwell in a beautiful valley with McKinley National Park to the west and the Talkeetna Mountains to the east. A great getaway Parcel for a great price for this area! Please check out the Details for Maps, etc.
10.17 35,000 Details
Fish Lakes area near Lake Creek SOLD
A large, wooded tract, accessible by floatplane, ski plane, snowmobile and possibly a "small" jet boat. Only a ¼ mile away from Fish Creek with an unimproved easement to the creek and a pond at the back of the property. Idyllic setting just waiting for the adventuresome spirit. Totally off the grid.
10 10,999 Details
Donkey Lake Cabin SOLD
Price Reduction
- Truly a "Handyman Special"; bears, time and the weather took their toll on the old Homestead Cabin. It is a great Location, beautiful Lot and worth while for you to check into it. You can get to the lake by a small jet boat if the creek does not get too low and of course, you have float/ski plane access with only about a 45 minute flight from Anchorage. And it takes about 3-4 hours by snowmobile from Willow – Deshka Landing. What you see is what you get! Seller would owner finance with a minimum of 50% down payment, terms negotiable.
4.3 60,000 49,900 Details
Uganik Bay SOLD - Truly one of the "Best" properties if you are a pilot or boater. Super protected in the midst of fantastic Fishing or Hunting; Deer & Brown Bear. Only 40 miles West of Kodiak village. See Details. 9.9 77,500 Details
Paxson Lake Sale Pending
- A large cabin or home fronting Paxson Lake and the Richardson Highway (Mile Post 179.8), double car garage, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, etc. All in an area where private property is almost non-existent. Snowmobiler's Paradise. Great Hunting & Fishing! Check out all the great photos in our Details section. Owner will consider financing.
1.13 $325,000.-
Trapper Lake SOLD
Price Reduction
Motivated seller, offering Super Terms!!!

An exceptional Bargain for a quick sale. The price is right and the owner would take 25% down, $200.- a month at 6% APR. Great Pike fishing! As well as good Moose hunting. Totally off the grid. Access is by floatplane from Kashwitna Lake (just a short flight), great snowmobile, or possible ATV (Argo) acc.
2.6 14,900
35 Mi. NW of Tok SOLD

This parcel is apr. a mile off the highway. There are pioneer roads that may go within a half mile. Totally off the grid. Great hunting throughout the area!
4.9 12,000
Glennallen SOLD
About a mile south of the intersection of the Glenn & Richardson Highway and about ¾ mile to the west of the Richardson Hwy. along a dedicated easement “Pioneer access”, is where you find this inexpensive, well treed parcel. This is a “Bargain” price! Amidst great Fishing and Hunting, with the quaint village of Glennallen offering all the necessary services.
10 15,599 Details
Willow area SOLD
A fantastic parcel, just a short distance east of the Parks Highway (less than a mile as the crow flies), just past the railroad tracks. Perfect for Mushing, Snowmobiling, Recreation Cabin, etc. Off the grid, ATV – Snowmobile access. See the maps & pictures in our Detailed section.
39.9 57,500 ($22,400.- below assessed value for a quick sale). Details
Kantishna River area SOLD
- A large parcel of land overlooking the River, heavily Treed, well out of the flood zone, amidst great Hunting & Fishing. Totally off the grid with a stunning View over the area!
20 15,000 Details
Willow Lake Front & Cabin – Copper Center area SOLD
Motivated Seller!

The “Best” view parcel on Willow Lake with a stunning view of Mt. Drum and Wrangell Mt. with its snow capped peaks in the Nation’s largest National Park; “Wrangell St. Elias”. Road and Lake frontage. Near the south side of Hwy turnout. You must look at the view!!! (see pictures).
2 69,900 Details
Glennallen SOLD
- Just 2½ miles north of the intersection of the Glenn and Richardson Highway. Highway frontage – Electric on the property – a nice wooded parcel just waiting for you to build your dream home. Great Hunting & Fishing! See Details
Seller will look at any reasonable offer.
4.1 19,500
Hiline Lake SOLD
About 70 air miles west of Anchorage, totally off the grid. Very seldom do we see any property become available on this beautiful lake. Within walking distance to the Talachulitna River, world renown for Rainbow and Salmon fishing. Great Moose and Bear hunting!
7.3 19,900 Details
Movie Lake SOLD
- A picture perfect setting on a very quiet lake, in a totally off the grid setting. Great Moose and Bear hunting! And you may also catch a Fish or two for dinner.
4.2 17,500 Details
Nizina - McCarthy SOLD
- Literally at the "end of the trail", about 11 miles east of McCarthy, is where you will find this great setting. This area is totally surrounded by National Park and offers everything from Hiking, Exploring the old Kennecott Copper Mine, Ice Climbing, Rafting to Chitina for some "Great" fishing or just plain old simple relaxing. Check it out and don't forget your camera.
3 26,900 Details
Off Big Lake / Beaver Lake Road SOLD
Two inexpensive Lots. Yes this price is affordable and the terms make it even better. Only about 2 miles off Big Lake Road, access is a maintained gravel road. With the growth in the Valley, it would be a great investment for you or your children. With 50% down and owner financing, what have you been waiting for?
.99 & 1 14,000 each Details
Matanuska River – King Mountain SOLD - "Rick's" Mt. Retreat. Total seclusion, only reachable by a private cable tram crossing the river. Your own Hunting and Wildlife Paradise/special Retreat. A very comfortable Home with several Outbuildings will complement your total "Off the Beaten Path" subsistence lifestyle. You must look at the Details for the "Whole Picture". If you think you are tough enough for the real Alaskan lifestyle, it does not get any more "Real". Better than the best reality show you have ever seen about Alaska. 8.1 325,000 Details
Donkey Lake area SOLD
- This large parcel would make a great spot for an airstrip! The heavily wooded ridge this property is on offers a great view of the surrounding area amidst great Hunting & Fishing.
39.32 30,000
Alexander Creek SOLD

Apr. 12 miles up Alexander Creek, just downstream from Trail Creek is where you will find this nice cabin overlooking Alexander Creek. You have several species of salmon, rainbow trout, grayling and pike, although king salmon fishing is presently closed. There is moose & bear, both black and brown throughout the area. A nice recreation spot for the boater, fisherman or hunter. Apr. 1½ hour snowmobile or boat ride from Willow. Totally off the grid. Owner financing available, check out Details.
4.7 80,000
Big River SOLD
An exceptional large tract in a remote setting, with stunning Views, in an area teaming with wildlife: Moose – Caribou – Sheep – Wolverine and of course Bears (black & brown). For the mountain climber or hiker it doesn't get any better with the famous Revelation Mts. as your backdrop. This is an opportunity too good to pass up!
36.2 22,000 Details
Prince William Sound – Whidbey Bay SOLD
This is absolutely not a run of the mill tract of land. It is so special you may just have to go and look for yourself. Big trees, a fresh water creek coming down the mountain for hydro power, running water, etc. tucked away for privacy, access by boat or plane (beach landing). A "Rare" find at an exceptional buy! Please check out the details.
3 47,500 - Terms Details
Cook Inlet – Kalgin Island "New" Cabin SOLD
- A beautiful, newly built cabin in a very desirable area. Although you have All your animals and sea birds there with the exception of bears. A bit plus for those of you with small children. There is fantastic Fishing and only a short floatplane flight from Kenai. Miles of beaches to explore and truly a Paradise for your young ones. Please take a look at all the pictures and the property fact sheet for size.
5.3 149,500 Details
Lake Louise SOLD
A beautiful lake front lot overlooking the whole area, with great Fishing and Hunting right out your door step. Year round maintained road to the Lake, from there access is by boat or snowmobile. Nice sandy beach for your young ones to play. The “Perfect” cabin site! See the Details.
4.64 35,000 Details
McKinley Park – Sushana River Cabin SOLD
- Just a stone's throw away from the "Hard Core Park" area. Hard to get to but well worth the effort. Please check out the Narrative the owner prepared in our Details section.
2.9 70,000 Details
Wood River SOLD
- A nice, non commercial, 1 acre parcel in the "Heart" of World Class fishing & hunting. Private airstrip and float plane access. Restrictive covenants to protect your investment. A rare find in a highly desirable area!
Now you can fly from the Lower 48 or take your private jet, in the morning, and be fishing in the afternoon as there is a road connecting this property to Dillingham.
Mankomen Lake – Log Cabin SOLD
- Truly "Off the Grid", fantastic Hunting for Moose, Bear or Sheep (check out the Game Regs). A beautiful Log Cabin on a crystal clear, apr. 5 mile long lake, with very few cabins on it. Hard to get to, but well worth the effort! On the foothills of the Alaska Range. Please check out all the photos so you see for yourself.
1 65,000 Details
Shell Lake SOLD
A Homesteader's Dream. The owner lived here for over 20 years and left many, many valuable items behind for you to enjoy. It is a "Must See" to appreciate all that comes with it and the size of it for a remarkable price AND open for Offers. Totally off the grid. Fly in or snowmobile access only.
25.4 149,500 Details
Cantwell SOLD
Price Reduction

A nice building lot just a stone's throw away from the main road (Denali Hwy). A great place to build a cabin, be it for Snowmobiling – Hunting or maybe just the right, affordable place if you work seasonally for the Park Service.
0.25 19,500
Lake Louise area / Rendezvous Lake SOLD
Close to Lake Louise (about 2 miles east) reachable by snowmobile, Super Cub or unimproved ATV trail. See pictures and maps in Details section.
7.1 15,000 Details
LaTouche Island SOLD
- A popular spot in Prince William Sound with lots of history in the mainly unpopulated area. This is an Estate Sale so it will have to be all cash.
1.1 20,000 Details
Dillingham – Wood River SOLD - The "Best" the area has to offer for a Private Retreat, Group Investment or…. This area is second to none for Fishing, Hunting, Wild Life or Eco Touring, with the Wood River Tikchik State Park in close proximity and a lake and river system to explore for hundreds of miles. Caribou – Moose - Bear – Wolves and naturally the famous Bristol Bay Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling & Arctic Char. Fly Alaska Airlines or your private jet to Dillingham and from there you have road access across the new Wood River Bridge directly to the property. If you don't have your own private jet, there is a smaller, private runway that comes with the property or a 3,500' runway about a mile away for your Twin. Covenants for none commercial use. Remote, yet easy to access. 3.65 750,000 Details
King Salmon - Naknek River Front SOLD
Estate Sale – Drastic Price Reduction!

A few miles upstream from King Salmon, a beautiful Chalet, exquisitely finished with all the creature comforts, fully furnished including a car, on Village power. A "Professional Retreat" in the midst of World Class Fishing & Hunting, with daily flights by Alaska Airlines to King Salmon. So you are not going to be stuck & miss your important appointment because the small planes could not fly due to weather.
5 500,000
- About 4 miles west out of town and less than a quarter mile off the road. A nice, level, treed building lot for an unbelievable price. So hurry if you are a bargain hunter.
5 8,750 Details
Big River – Revelation Mts. SOLD - A beautiful, large tract in one of the "Best" hunting areas Alaska has to offer. Super Cub access, Fantastic scenery with the Revelation Mts. and all the Glaciers serving as your back drop. Very Remote! 15.43 28,000 Details
Glennallen SOLD
Just a few miles south of Glennallen, past the Tazlina River and about a ½ mile off the road is where you find this compound of 3 Cabins. Main cabin is on steel pilings & built out of 8'x12' timbers, the other cabin is of frame construction. Both cabins need the finishing touches inside.
4.8 48,500 Details
Yentna River – Lady Slipper Lake SOLD
- A cozy one bedroom cabin, about a 20 minute flight out of Anchorage, totally off the grid. Great for Hunting or Fishing! There is Pike in the lake and Grayling and Rainbow in the creek. All for a great price!
4.9 70,000
Prince Wm Sound/Little Johnstone Bay SOLD
Motivated Seller
This "Jewel" of a lot is on an apr. mile long lake in Prince Wm Sound. Plenty of wildlife and water fowl with views of glaciers and mountains all around you.
3.47 $29,900 Details
Donkey Lake area SOLD
- A nice, large parcel just a short distance from Donkey Lake. Or you may want to put in your own airstrip! The heavily wooded ridge this property is on offers a great view of the surrounding area amidst great Hunting & Fishing. This makes for a perfect "getaway" for your remote cabin.
28.72 25,000 Details
Chulitna River Front SOLD- Just a little ways past Hurricane Gulch on the westerly side (far side of the river) is where this parcel is located. Boat or snowmobile access. Paradise for Hunters – Snowmobilers and you may even catch a Salmon along those clear water tributaries. 12.6 20,000 Details
Off Lake Louise Road SOLD 1 nice Lot left off Lake Louise Road (less than 2 miles) with a surveyed ATV trail for access. An inexpensive way to buy property for your Snowmobiling, 4 Wheeling, Hunting or Fishing pleasure. And last but not least, owner financing with 50% down and no “Real Property” tax for these lots. Check out the Details. 14 17,500 Details
Valdez – Mile 18 SOLD
Drastic Price Reduction!!!
- A nice piece of property in the midst of the "Best" recreational area Alaska has to offer; be it for Fishing - Heli Skiing – Cross Country Skiing – Boating – Hunting, and all in a stunning setting! No wonder Valdez is called the Switzerland of the north.
2.2 75,000
Safari Lake area SOLD
- A cozy Cabin (fully furnished), accessible year round by Argo ATV (included in price). Only about a 3 hour drive north from Anchorage offering a magnificent view of Mt. McKinley. Great Moose hunting, good Fishing all around you and of course, you are in the "Snowmobile Paradise" of Alaska. See all the Details.
5 70,000 Details
Day Harbor – Bowen Anchorage SOLD A beautiful lot in a very protected area about an hour boat trip out of Seward. Million Dollar View! Surrounded by Glacier Capped Mountains, Forest and Wildlife. Great Fishing – Kayaking, etc.! 3.3 49,900 Details
Shell Lake area SOLD
- A nice parcel fronting a small lake – creek (Super Cub size). Snowmobile access along the Iditarod Trail and of course, great hunting and fishing all around you. Out of state owner says, “Sell!”
4.11 $8,800
Shell Lake area SOLD A beautiful lake front parcel. Accessible by airplane (Super Cub) or snowmobile. Great Moose hunting in the Shell Hills! Apr. 100 miles northwest of Anchorage. (Priced $5K below assessed value for a Quick Sale!) 4.7 $8,900 Details
Yentna River Cabin SOLD- Beautiful Log Cabin with several Outbuildings and best of all, your own Private Airstrip. Perfect for a Super Cub or… Please check it out before landing as it has not been used for awhile. There is also a protected floatplane tie down area and or boat access from Willow (apr. 2 hours). The place comes fully furnished. This is a real bargain for the "Right" buyer!!! 38.5 180,000 Details
Willow SOLD- About 8 miles north of Willow on W Sheep Creek Drive; a heavily wooded lot, perfect for recreating, year round living, a dog musher or… Only about a 1½ drive north from Anchorage and all for a great price! 2.7 15,000 Details
Yakutat SOLD
- Estate Sale! See Detail section for all information
APR. 6,000 sq. ft 165,000 Details
Petersville - off Oilwell Road SOLD - A nice recreation parcel with good Fishing and Wildlife all around you. Only about 1¼ miles off the year round, maintained Oilwell Road. This property is off the grid yet accessible by snowmobile or as the owner said, with an ATV by crossing Gate Creek south of the property in the summer. Please check the Details. 4.5 17,500 Details
Knik Glacier area SOLD
Just on the north side of the Knik Glacier is where Metal Creek is located. This property is up on a bluff with a magnificent view of the glacier. One will have to explore the channels for possible access by airboat. There is ATV access as well as a Super Cub on big tires. Possible tourist facility – sheep hunting or just a get away cabin. :
5   Details
Lake Louise - Blueberry Cove SOLD
Motivated Seller, Make Offer!

A nice cabin lot in the very popular recreation area of Lake Louise; be it winter or summer; Fishing – Hunting or Snowmobiling, it is all right at your door step.
3.81 37,500 Details
by Ugashik Village SOLD
Almost ¾ miles of river frontage on the Ugashik River. A nice high and dry parcel, perfect for a guide operation or anybody who loves hunting for trophy Caribou, Moose or Brown Bear and or fishing for all species of Salmon and world class Arctic Graying and Arctic Char.
160 225,000 Details
Gold Creek SOLD
A historic location in the "Famous Gold Creek" area, accessible by railroad, "Whistle Stop train". This could be your winter or summer playground in this historic, remote, off the grid setting. Lots of game and many trails to explore.
117.5 175,000 Details
Bowen Anchorage – Day Harbor SOLD
Price Reduction
Will consider any reasonable offer!
For you local boaters you know what a "Special" place this is. Totally protected from the prevailing winds and only 25 miles out of Seward. This is the place where you can build your beautiful cabin and don't have to worry about your fancy boat getting smashed against the rocks. Well, check it out and you will agree, that this is about as good as it can get. Pricey? Yes, but worth it if you consider the excellent moorage and the great Lot. See details.
3.7 80,000
Mt. Yenlo, between Donkey Lake & Lake Creek SOLD
- Remote as it can be. Access by bush plane on large tires or skis and or snowmobile. Definitely not for the novice. Well worth the effort, as the view from that area is nothing but breathtaking! McKinley – Yentna Valley – Alaska Range. Trophy Moose – Bear & Wolves. Check out the Details.
40 50,000
Lake Louise SOLD
- A cozy Log Cabin with a grand View, westerly exposure, fully furnished with great Fishing & Hunting all around you. Year round road access to the south side of the lake, apr. a 3 hour drive from Anchorage. See Photos. You won't be disappointed!
2.3 99,000
Aniak SOLD
The perfect place for you if you are in need of a house in Aniak. Down by the river front, great view, and protected from 100 year floods by a great sea wall. Great Fishing & Hunting all around you! Owner may finance. Check out the Details.
2 lots; 20,250 & 18,748 sq.ft. 225,000 Details
Mt. Yenlo Area SOLD
Between Lake Creek and Donkey Lake is where you will find these two VERY secluded parcels amidst great Hunting! Totally off the grid and very difficult to get to. Please check out the details.
9.1 &
10K(SOLD) &
Deshka River SOLD
Lodge Potential!!!
- A fantastic “Family Retreat” on the Deshka River, very well built, 3 bedrooms each with their own shower and bathroom; large storage building, quiet setting. One of the “Best” salmon fishing streams Alaska has to offer. Wildlife Galore! With Bears (both black and brown) and Moose toping the list and only about a 45 minute to an hour boat ride from the Deshka Landing. So, off the grid but not too far from civilization. Jet boat, snowmobile or possible airplane access. Please look at the pictures. With very little effort one could rent the rooms, do some guiding & make a few extra bucks while living there.
Seller leaving State, will look all reasonable offers.
4.4 $350,000
Cantwell SOLD
- Cantwell is popular for employees at McKinley National Park and is also well known for the year round recreation in the area. A nice, laid back community, connected by rail or highway to Anchorage or Fairbanks. If you like to be away from the populated areas and enjoy the wilderness surrounding you, this just may be the "perfect" spot for you.
apr. 150'x165' each lot 77,500 & 19,500 Details
Lake Louise - Cabin SOLD
Estate Sale! Tremendous Price Reduction!!!

An exceptionally nice Place on Lake Louise, with all the "Goodies" one can only imagine included in the sales price. A great place for a Snowmobiler, Caribou hunter, Fisherman or… Too much to mention so please check out the Details and the Pictures.
3.8 125,000
Lake Susitna SOLD
- An exquisite "Vacation" home/cabin suitable for year round living in style for your wilderness experience. There is not a detail that has not been addressed and it comes with all the "Toys", and "Goodies", including fully furnished. This is something for a serious buyer who expects the "Best". Seller insists that people are pre-qualified and shown by Appointment Only. Please do look at all the pictures and details and you will be pleasantly surprised. Fishing – Hunting – Boating on an apr. 30 mile lake system plus the Tyone River for more exploring. Motivated Seller! Check it out…
5.3 579,000
Mile 7 from Kenny Lake SOLD
On the Edgerton Hwy. Year round maintained road gravel road, electric, high speed Internet available, good ground, densely forested and with some clearing a $1M view over the Wrangell Mts. amidst "Great" Hunting & Fishing!
8 44,500 Details
Talachulitna River – Star Lake SOLD- Just a short walk from this nice lake, gets you to Alaska's Premier fishing stream. All 5 species of Salmon, Trophy Rainbow….. Big Moose and Bears all around this area. Best of All, this price includes a Cabin and some peace of mind. So please bring me all offers. Check out the Details. 0.78 16,500 Details
Donkey Lake area SOLD
Just a few hundred feet back from Donkey Lake on the southwesterly side is where you find this nice, heavily wooded ridge which would lend itself perfect for your own private airstrip, a hunting getaway as you overlook miles of moose meadows. Access by plane, snowmobile or sm. riverboat with a jet.

Parks Hwy – Mile 93½ SOLD
A beautiful Lot for your private fishing pleasure just a short distance off the highway. You will catch all 5 Species of Salmon – Trout – Dolly Varden and most likely will see Moose & Bears as your neighbors. About a 2 hour drive north of Anchorage puts you into this little bit of Paradise.
3 40,000 Details
Lake Louise – Blueberry Cove SOLD

A cozy Log Cabin, plus a Shop in a very protected area. Safe for your boat – airplane or children. Affordable with owner financing available. Although the seller would not say "No" to an all cash deal.
Motivated Seller! Will do some owner finance.
4.8 77,000
Kuskokwim River SOLD
This parcel is located on the East Fork of the Kuskokwim River between Nicolai and Medra with over a mile of river front, in one of the “Best” Moose and Bearing hunting areas you can find. And of course, the Fishing is great too! An excellent buy for this price!!!
160 100,000 Details
Copper Center - Klutina River Frt. SOLD
- A large, sought after parcel on the Klutina River with GREAT commercial potential! Klutina River is one of the "Best" King Salmon fisheries in the Copper Center area, plus there is a "Big" Red Salmon run (the Famous Copper River Reds) and located about 12 miles south of Glennallen.
7.8 150,000
Parks Highway – Mile 144 Byers Creek SOLD
One large main Cabin, plus 2 smaller Cabins that need to be finished. Creek frontage, Commercial zoned, great Salmon & Rainbow fishing in Denali State Park and just a few miles east of McKinley National Park. A Great Buy and a “Rare” find!
0.92 129,900 Details
Judd Lake area - High Mt. Lakes SOLD
Remote and off the grid with an abundance of fish and game throughout the whole area. Great picturesque setting on this mountain lake! ½ hour flight from Anchorage. 2 parcels selling below tax assessed value, together or separate. Owner Financing with 30% down payment, terms negotiable.
Shell Lake SOLD
A great parcel near the outlet of the lake for great Fishing and of course, good Moose and Bear hunting. Totally off the grid. Fly in or snowmobile/dog sled access on a well marked trail. The Iditarod Trail goes right by this area.
10 25,000 Details
Yentna River SOLD
Drastic Price Reduction!!!

About 10 miles from Skwentna up the Yentna River. Two nice 5 acre parcels just behind a small island in the midst of great Salmon and Rainbow fishing as well as Moose and Bear hunting. A perfect sight for you and your buddy to build a little getaway far from home and "honey do duties".
5 19,900 per lot
$10,000 per lot or $18,000 for Both
Manley area – Tanana River Front SOLD
- A large tract across the Tanana River from where Manley Hot Springs Slough meets the river. Heavily treed with Birch. A great place for a dog musher, river boater, or… and at a very reasonable price. Please check out our Details.
160 $80,000

Port Lions SOLD- A comfortable inexpensive House with 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath on city utilities in the charming community of Port Lions. A great place for year round living or recreation use. As for fishing, hunting or boating it doesn't get any better. Check out the Details! 11,325 sq. ft. $145,000 65,000 Details
LaTouche Island – Prince Wm Sound SOLD - 3 nice, inexpensive lots on beautiful Latouche Island. Great for deer hunting, fishing or… Access would be by boat or possibly a small airplane. This is off the grid in Paradise. The seller prefers cash but would offer terms to a responsible party. It doesn't get any better then that! 1.6, 2.4 & 2 $29,900 for all 3 or $11K per lot Details
Lake Louise – Cameron Cove area SOLD- This nice, view property is only about 360' feet back from the lake in a very popular area with great Fishing and Hunting. Easy lake access along the easement. Apr. 3 miles by boat from the end of the road or one could also use an overland trail (about a mile & a half) to hike to the property. Offered for a very affordable price. 2.1 14,900 Details
Chugach Mts. – Mat Su Glacier SOLD -
“Sheep Hunter Special”
, a 5 acre parcel tucked away in the hidden valley off the Mat Su Glacier with a Cub strip, an old Quonset hut and Sheep all around you. No neighboring property within miles. Only the skilled Super Cub pilot should consider this type of property. Hard to get to, but well worth the effort!
5 89,000 Seller will offer some owner financing. Details
Near Matanuska Glacier "Bench Lake" SOLD- An outstanding, well constructed Cabin, built from milled logs. Beautiful setting! Fly in or snowmobile access only. Just across the river from the Glenn Highway. Lake full of Fish and teeming with Wildlife. Totally off the grid. 4.1 130,000 Details
Donkey Creek SOLD- A heavily wooded parcel, about 20 miles up Donkey Creek by a small jet boat or snowmobile from Willow – Deshka Landing. Totally off the grid at a "Heck of a Price!" Good Fishing – lots of Bears & Moose. 39.9 15,000 Details
Yentna River SOLD
- Between the Kahiltna River and Lake Creek is where you find this large tract. You are in the "Prime" Fishing – Hunting area, Salmon, Trout, Moose & Bear and have boat, plane and snowmobile access. Offered at a great price!
12.1 35,500 Details
Swift River SOLD

An apr. 10 year State Lease on "Horse Show Lake", just south of the Swift River with a nice, apr. 16'x20' Log Cabin plus another apr. 12'x14' Cabin. You have to be a Guide/Outfitter in order to qualify for the State Lease. A real Bargain at a Superb Hunting Location!!!
Very Motivated Seller!!!
State Land Lease
Prince Wm Sound – Latouche Island SOLD- A nice, inexpensive lot on beautiful Latouche Island. Great for deer hunting, fishing or… Access would be by boat or small airplane. This is off the grid in Paradise. The seller prefers cash but would offer terms to a responsible party. It doesn't get any better then that! 1 12,000 Details
Boulder Bay area SOLD- One of the "Best" spots to have your hunting camp for Deer, Bear or maybe even catch a Salmon in the nearby creek. All grass land and rolling terrain. See photos. A must see if you like Kodiak! All for a low, low price. 4.9 15,000 Details
Richardson Hwy. Mile 69 SOLD - A great building Lot with a Private Airstrip, Driveway and gravel Pad already done, electric to the property just waiting for you to build your dream cabin or… in an astonishing setting in the midst of the Chugach Range and only a short distant to Thompson Pass for world renown powder skiing or snowmobiling. Some owner financing available. 3.3 69,000 Details
Trinity Lake - Cabin SOLD - Only a 45 minute flight by float or ski plane from Anchorage or a lengthy snowmobile trip (depending upon your experience) apr. 4 – 6 hours. Located at the foothills of the Alaska Range. Great Salmon fishing in the Talachulitna River. Outstanding Moose or Bear hunting! And of course, the solitude only an off the grid location like can offer. You must check on Details to see the write up and pictures. 4.9 49,500 Details
Crosswind Lake - Cabin SOLD - Crosswind Lake is one of the most popular lakes in the Glennallen area and well known for great Fishing, Hunting, and easy snowmobile access with connections to maintained snowmobile trails to Lake Louise and beyond. Of course, there is also float or ski plane access. A very nice 320 sq. ft. Cabin, a Shop bldg. and a unique Sauna bldg. with a shower. All of this for a "Great Price!" 1.2 85,000 Details
Iliamna – “Slopbucket Lake” SOLD
A great buy for the float plane owner or… amidst great Hunting and Fishing. Road access from the village of Iliamna. Scheduled flights from Anchorage to Iliamna if you are not a pilot. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy this cheap (Estate Sale).
0.49 12,500 Details
East Papoose Lake near Big Lake, Pvt. Airstrip or Float acc. SOLD
- A large cabin or a small house, the choice is yours. Semi remote, off the grid but year round access to Wasilla/Anchorage for all your shopping needs. Comes with motor grader, ski boat, hot tub, guest cabin and fully furnished. Please check out the Details.
6.8 350,000
Talkeetna area – Bald Mt. SOLD
- An exceptional good deal for your Hunting cabin, ATV or Snowmobile getaway! But certainly not for the beginner rider. Some of the "Best" hunting; Moose – Grizzly, access to Sheep hunting or great Fishing on the way to the cabin. Please check out the Details . Owner would provide some financing but prefers cash.
4.8 45,000 Details
Johnson Creek – Upper Yentna River SOLD
A rare find in this well sought after area for great Salmon or Rainbow fishing! Great hunting! And many miles of clear water creeks to explore: Kichatna River, Johnson Creek, Donkey Slough and the upper reaches of the Yentna River. Definitely check out the Details, Photos, etc. This could be the “steal” of the summer!
6 $20,000 Details
Johnson Creek "Cabin" – Upper Yentna River SOLD
- A rare find in this well sought after area for great Salmon or Rainbow fishing! Great hunting! And many miles of clear water creeks to explore: Kichatna River, Johnson Creek, Donkey Slough and the upper reaches of the Yentna River. Definitely check out the Details, Photos, etc. This could be the "steal" of the summer!
6.05 $79,900 Details
Skwentna area – Red Creek SOLD
Between Skwentna and Finger Lake if you are familiar with the local names, is where you will find this large parcel on Red Creek. Well, the name says it all; Kings – Reds – Grayling or Rainbow, it all can be found in these waters. As well as "Fantastic" Moose and Bear hunting as you are quite secluded. Check out the pictures and details.
64 95,000 Details
Prince William Sound – Johnstone Bay SOLD- An outstanding 8.6 acre parcel (2 lots) to be sold together for a very low price. Just enough back from the little creek to be high and dry, with huge trees of the old growth forest. And there is everything there one could wish for: Fishing – Boating – Outstanding Scenery and best of all a Small Fresh Water Creek running through the property. 8.64 35,000 Details
Donkey Lake SOLD - A "Dream Cabin" with more then you would expect (see Details section). Great Fishing with trophy Moose in the area and of course, where there is great fishing you will have Brown & Black Bears. True craftsmanship shows throughout. You must see the Detail section. 5 84,500 Details
Lake Louise Area – Bob's Lake - Cabin SOLD- Easy ATV or snowmobile access off Lake Louise Rd. A large Main Cabin, a Guest Cabin, a Sauna Bldg. Generator, Storage Shed, etc. Fully furnished and just waiting for a new owner. You will definitely want to check out all the Details and Photos and you will not be disappointed. 9.1 149,900 Details
Paxson Lake SOLD - At the very north end of Paxson Lake, you will find this conglomerate of home – cabins – shop, etc. with highway and lake frontage. Here you have the luxury of road access and yet still live remote, amidst thousands of Caribou, Moose, Bear and of course, Fishing the famous Paxson Lake. Snowmobile – Boat – Hike or explore the "Mighty" Alaska Range, all within your reach. All you need to bring is your tooth brush & move in. Some owner finance available. Check Details. 2 280,000 Details
Dillingham – off Warehouse Mt. Rd. SOLD
An outstanding wooded parcel just a short distance from the end of the road. And best of all, at a VERY affordable price for being in the middle of the "Best" Fishing and Hunting country!
5 9,500 Details
Little Johnstone Bay – Seward area SOLD
Motivated Seller - will look at any reasonable offer!
A great View lot overlooking the Bay, the fresh water Lake and the magnificent Mountains surrounding this area. Please check out the Pictures in our Details section. Great for fishing or goat or bear hunting, but mainly a place to get away from it all
3.75 30,000 Details
Tok area SOLD
About a half hour drive West of Tok just past the Robertson River Bridge (turn out), is where you will find this scenic parcel, about a couple of miles south of the highway. No neighbors, totally "off the grid", fully surveyed in one of the most pristine settings you can only find in "Remote" Alaska. ATV or snowmobile access. Check out the beautiful photos of this setting!
9.1 24,999 Details
Richardson Hwy. Mile 69 SOLD
- Motivated Seller! Will look at owner finance with around a 50% down payment and the balance negotiable to a reliable party.
A massive log cabin just north of Thompson Pass. All the hard work is done, you just need to finish it to your taste. Private runway, great location for all the activities in Thompson Pass; snowmobiling – skiing – hiking, etc. as well as lots of great fishing in the area and a short trip to all the Valdez activities. Be sure to check out the Details and photos!!!
2.8 180,000
Wood River - Tikchik Lakes SOLD
An outstanding parcel just a short hop from the Agulowak River, offering the “Finest” Rainbow – Salmon fishing Alaska has to offer. Beautiful Scenery, teeming with Wildlife in about a 100 mile Lake System, all there for you to explore. The lake has road access from Dillingham, which has daily Alaska Airline service. Check out the details for this exceptionally, fine property.
79 285,000 Details
Lake Susitna SOLD
A gorgeous setting with 2 very nice Cabins, with the main cabin being apr. 1,344'sq.ft. plus a 2nd cabin of apr. 18'x20'sq.ft. Surrounded by State land and about of 1,000' of water front. Only 45 minutes by boat or snowmobile from the end of the road (year round maintained). You have to look at the pictures to truly appreciate the value and workmanship.
4.9 159,000 Details
Wien Lake Area SOLD
Large cabin on an Unnamed interior lake, about an hour flight southwesterly from Fairbanks. Caribou, Moose, Bear and Wolves throughout that area. And for fishing it would be for hungry Pike. Fully equipped with everything one would need in the wilderness. Totally off the grid.
7.8 150,000 Details
Mankomen Lake SOLD
- "The Ol' Hunting Cabin", in one of the most beautiful and most sought after areas the State has to offer. Only a few lucky ones, "Old-Timers" or their heirs seem to have places in this gorgeous setting. Right at the base of the Alaska Range with the "Best" hunting for Moose – Bear – Caribou – Grizzly – Wolf, you name it and Fantastic Fishing!! See the Details and Pictures.
5 69,500 Details
Prince Wm Sound/Johnstone Bay SOLD
“Reduced for a Quick Sale”.
The seller staked this "Gem" on Little Johnstone Lake and he had his pick so naturally he choose the "Best" parcel on the lake. Here you will have breathtaking Scenery, Wildlife galore for neighbors and best of all, Peace and Quiet.
4.68 54,900
Shearwater Bay off Kiliuda Bay SOLD
In a wild and awesome setting, this parcel will make every Hunter and Fishermen's heart beat faster. A great location for your hunting cabin or…! Fantastic Deer hunting and of course, the magnificent Kodiak Brown Bear. About a ½ mile off the beach. Off the grid; plane or boat access only from the City of Kodiak. Motivated Seller!
8.7 25,000
Cordova – Hawkins Island SOLD- A “rare” find and this lot is truly the “Best” and was the subdivider’s choice to keep. It offers the best protection for your boat or float plane. 12 miles as the crow flies from Cordova. Truly a primo property at a great price! Check out the Details. 4 69,000 Details
Glennallen – Lake Susitna - Island SOLD - A large, "Fixer Upper" cabin with a nice large shop building to house all your Toys; i.e. boat, snowmobiles, ATV's, etc. A great place to recreate or…. Good fishing for Lake Trout and Grayling. In the migration route of the "Mighty" Nelchina Caribou herd. This is a steal at the price for all that comes with the property! Be sure to check out our Detail section. 4.8 115,000 Details
Lake Creek Area near Quiet Lake SOLD
- Lake Creek frontage, a “Rare” find. A unique parcel for the Lake Creek floater who is after the “Big” one. Lake Creek is a “Premier” Salmon and Rainbow fishery and designated as a “Wild and Scenic River”. Situated in a secluded setting and in front of the “Best” fishing hole on the whole river, “The Bluffs”.
4.95 $39,900
Larsen Bay – Zachar Bay SOLD - About 7 miles easterly from Larsen Bay in one of the “Best” protected locations you can find. A great 6 acre, ocean front parcel with an apr. 600 sq.ft. cabin and a 24’ fiber glass boat (Bow Picker) with a 350 Chevy eng. This is truly a rare find! And at a great price! Located in one of the “Finest” Fishing & Hunting areas you can find in Alaska. Properties like this move rather fast, so here is your chance. Owner will finance with $20K down. Bal. Neg. 6 100,000 Details
N of Talkeetna
Sockeye Lake
SOLD- Just a short flight from Talkeetna will get you into the foothills of the Talkeetna Mts. and this secluded alpine setting. For you hardy ones you might have snowmobile access. A nice piece of land to build your dream cabin on with Moose, occasionally Caribou and Bears being your nosey neighbors. Great for hiking, photography, etc. Please check out the pictures in our Details section. 4.9 23,000 Details
Lake Louise SOLD
In about 4 hours you can be from Anchorage to this cozy cabin on Lake Louise, just before the entrance into Cameron Cove. Built up on a hill for a great view! Snowmobilers or Boaters paradise. Hunting & Fishing is great! What more can one ask for?
3.6 Water front 59,900 Details
Upper Yentna River SOLD
A nice, wooded lot on the Upper Yentna River about 15 miles northwest of Skwentna amidst great Salmon and Trout fishing as well as Moose and Bear hunting. Great place for boaters or snowmobilers. Check out the Details.
4.9 35,000 Details
Near 17 Mile Lake - Sutton SOLD
- About a half mile south of the lake on a newly paved road with power and telephone available. A rural setting yet easy access and at a great price for this nicely treed property. Take a Sunday drive and check it out.
1.99 38,500 Details
Sister Lake off Oilwell Rd. SOLD
- A home away from home; large main cabin, guest cabin with all the amenities of a home; septic, running water, solar system with inverter and so MUCH more!!! Professionally built with attention to all the details; such as bear shutters, floating dock and the list goes on and on. Check out details.
3.5 149,900 Details
McCarthy SOLD
About a mile and a half before you get to the Foot Bridge on the westerly side of the Kennecott River is where you will find this nice, wooded parcel. It already has a Driveway, a good Well and a Foundation for a 24’x24’ building so all the hard work is done. Located in the middle of the Nation’s “Largest” Park & Preserve; Wrangell St. Elias National Park
2.5 40,000 Details
Trinity Lake SOLD
- Best Buy on Trinity Lake! At the northwest corner. A great cabin lot for Hunting – Fishing or Snowmobiling at a "Super" Low Price. Has to be cash.
3.6 9,999 Details
Coal Creek – Judd Lake area SOLD- A nice inexpensive lake front parcel in a great Hunting and Fishing area, about 4½ miles SW of Judd Lake and a mile east of Coal Creek. Very remote and off the grid, with small airplane or snowmobile access for the experienced rider. Owner may finance a portion of the purchase price. 4.62 10,500 Details
Shell Lake area SOLD
- A nice recreation tract near the outlet of Shell Lake / Creek, and only about 1,500' from the lake. A Hunter's – Fisherman's dream for a very affordable price. Seller may take terms with 50% down. Please click on Details to see it all.
10.29 $7,900 Details
Homer – Kachemak Bay SOLD
- About 15 miles out of Homer is where you will find this well built, apr. 1200 sq.ft. cabin (inside unfinished), ready to give it your own personal touch. Great View! Watch the whales or catch a fresh King or Silver. Live life the Alaskan way. See all the Pictures in our Details section.
4.5 164,900 Details
Talachulitna River SOLD
- A rare find (Estate Sale) on the lower portion of the Talachulitna R, Alaska's Premier Trout Fishery, plus all 5 species of Salmon. A great opportunity to buy two parcels together and or a 5 acre tract. Please check them out as at these prices they will not last long.
4.6 & 4.9

5 acres

Skwentna area – Donkey Creek SOLD
- About ¾ of a mile up from Donkey Creek towards Mt. Yenlo is where you will find this cozy Homesteader’s Cabin on 15 acres; Secluded & off the grid with a “Million Dollar” view! Great Fishing & Hunting! Snowmobile access and or boat access along Donkey Creek. All basic furnishings are included plus a 2010 Super Wide Track Ski Doo Skandic snowmobile. Be sure to check out Details.
15.8 49,900 Details
Parker Lake Area – Oilwell Road SOLD
Highly motivated seller! Will look at ALL offers. Then on the price, 15,000 OBO.
- If you are familiar with this area you know what a great parcel this is for Hunting, Seclusion and of course, the View this area offers of Mt. McKinley which towers over the area. ATV- snowmobile access is possible. One would have to drive the Parks Hwy. to Trapper Creek and take Petersville Rd. west a few miles, then Oilwell Rd south, past Amber Lake. From there an old trail system and logging roads will get you very close to the property with some doing. Totally off the grid.
10.66 18,900

Lake Creek – Quiet Lake area SOLD -A Large tract for a Low price in the middle of the “Best” Fishing and Hunting. Totally off the grid and what looks like totally surrounded by State land. Access would only be by snowmobile or float or ski plane to Quiet Lake. 14.2 17,500 Details
Wrangell – Zimovia Strait SOLD - A very nice lot with large trees in a very protected bay in this beautiful, southeastern setting. Lots of wildlife and of course, some of the finest fishing for Salmon, Halibut or Rock Fish! Great for exploring the area by canoe, seeing whales, etc. 2.4 38,000 Details
Kodiak – Port Lions SOLD - REDUCED - A cute, inexpensive house with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on city utilities in the charming community of Port Lions. A great place for year round living or recreation use. As for fishing, hunting or boating it doesn’t get any better. Check out the Details! 11,325 sq. ft. 145,000

McCarthy SOLD - Just a short distance out of McCarthy across McCarthy Creek is where you will find this "Fantastic View" lot, surrounded by national park. A great place for mountain biking – rafting – glacier hikes, photography, etc. A super buy and the owner would finance half. Totally off the grid. 9.5 35,000 Details
Johnston Bay/Little Johnston Lake SOLD - A very nice southerly facing lot in a “Great” fishing area! A quiet and secluded setting, certainly off the grid with just nature and wildlife surrounding you: Bear, Deer and Mountain Goats.
Highly motivated Seller. Will consider any reasonable Offer!
4.5 29,900 Details
King Salmon - Naknek River Front SOLD - Your choice to buy this Outstanding Property as an operating Lodge or as a Private Retreat. This great location just about guarantees you the “Best” angling you can imagine! From King – Silver or Red Salmon to Trophy Rainbow Trout. Of course, Bear – Moose & Caribou are throughout the area. Easy access to Katmai National Park and the world famous brown bear viewing at Brooks Camp. Please check out the Owner’s Description in the Detail section. 1.5 850,000  
Shell Lake – Onestone Lake SOLD- Beautiful Onestone Lake frontage with a quality built 864 sq.ft. cabin and many, many Extras. This is off the grid and about a 50 minute flight from Anchorage into a wilderness area with moose, bear and great fishing all around you. Just across the lake from the Iditarod Trail, snowmobile access, etc. You MUST check out the Details. Seller may be interested in a Trade. 4.5 139,900 Details
Willow Lake – Copper Center area SOLD - This lake is apr. 30 miles south of Glennallen. The property is a nice lake front lot at a very affordable price! Off the grid with ATV access. The back of this parcel backs into an unimproved dedicated landing strip. Check out the pictures of this beautiful area. 1 13,500 Details
Yentna River by Big Bend - Slough SOLD- This has to be one of the "Best" parcels on the river. Great boat or snowmobile access. Best of all, this lot is high and dry during the occasional high water stages of the Yentna River. One might even land a Cub in there or…. Off the grid, only about a good hour from the Deshka Landing – Willow area. 4.41 $27,500.- Great Terms!!! Details
Petersville – Oilwell Road, Mi. 4.6 SOLD - Cabin (A Diamond in the Rough), located on the year round maintained Oilwell Road, just a hop from Moose Creek for fishing. Winter paradise for winter snowmobiling and of course, great moose hunting! 5 50,000
Big River – Revelation Mts. SOLD - A beautiful, large tract in one of the “Best” hunting areas Alaska has to offer. Super Cub access, Fantastic scenery with the Revelation Mts. and all the glaciers serving as your back drop. Very Remote! 15.44 29,900 Details
Near Lake Louise SOLD - Apr. 3 miles east of Lake Louise in a nice, quiet lake front setting. A great recreation parcel! The mighty Nelchina caribou herd migrates right through this area. 27 $50,000
Prince Wm Sound – Johnstone Bay SOLD - Fantastic Johnstone Bay setting with the magnificent Excelsior Glacier as your backdrop. A picture perfect scenery, which is hard to duplicate. Something for everyone; Shutterbug, Naturalist, Fisherman or Hunter. A very rare find for that much acreage! 4.4 $49,000 Details
Glenn Highway – Mile Post 143 – Scooter Lake SOLD- This lake front home with hangar definitely falls under the “Best Buy” category! Custom built with an outstanding view and $60K below appraised value for a quick sale, due to a death in the family. There is way too much to describe so please click on Details, so you can see for yourself. All pictures, images, etc. will enlarge by clicking on them. 4.83 349,000 Details
Caswell Lakes area – Hidden Hills SOLD - A basic cabin, “Diamond in the Rough”, on 2 separate 5+ acre lots (sell one off to your friend, or…) only a 2 hour drive north from Anchorage. Year round road access. A great place to fish, hunt or just “hang out”. Please check out the Details. 10.88 79,950
Big River SOLD - One of the “Best” buys on a large tract. In this remote location you will still find all the trophy animals you always dreamed about; Moose, Bear, Dahl Sheep, Wolf and of course, the fishing is not too bad either. Access is only by airplane, landing on nearby gravel bars, either from Anchorage or McGrath. This property is located about 2 miles North from the confluence of Big River & North Fork. 11 12,500 Details
Flat Horn Lake area SOLD
A small hunting cabin on an Unnamed Lake apr. 3 miles northwest of Flat Horn Lake. Off the grid, Super Cub or Beaver accessible, about a ¼ mile off the Iditarod Trail. Great moose hunting! Only a 15 minute flight from Anchorage. Easy snowmobile ride.
Motivated Seller! May trade, see Details section.
4.9 $29,000
Big River SOLD - Remote? You Betcha! Spectacular Scenery? Yes! Great Hunting? Some of the Best! The 12’x16’ cabin? A Bonus!!! Don’t let this one get away. Owner financing available 41.7 50,000 Details
Prince Wm Sound – between Seward & Whittier SOLD- A great, protected parcel in Puget Sound, out of the Kenai Borough so no real estate taxes. Great Goat hunting, Fishing or Whale Watching! Truly a piece of Paradise on Earth at a price to good to pass up. 3.7 18,500 Details
Nizina - McCarthy SOLD- Literally at the “end of the trail”, about 11 miles east of McCarthy, is where you will find this great setting. This area is totally surrounded by National Park and offers everything from Hiking, Exploring the old Kennecott Copper Mine, Ice Climbing, Rafting to Chitina for some “Great” fishing or just plain old simple relaxing. Check it out and don’t forget your camera. See Plat From 9,000 Details
Parks Highway, apr. Mile 66 SOLD- “The Old Gravel Pit”. Road and Railroad frontage. Perfect for a small development with high exposure. Please check out the details, maps and photos. 10.73 49,900 Details
Bald Mt. - Talkeetna SOLD- A beautiful, water front lot on the Middle Fork of Montana Creek for the avid snowmachiners or 4 wheeler. Great spot to hunt and build yourself the place you always wanted, off the grid. 10.6 15,000 Details
Lower Yentna – Alexander Creek area – Yensus Lake SOLD
Price reduced for Quick Sale. Seller leaving state. Super Bargain!
- A stunning 24’x24’ massive Log Cabin on Yensus Lake and off the grid. Access by float, ski or wheel plane and snowmobile. Monster Pikes are in the lake, Moose and Bear are plentiful. Southern exposure with a great view and best of all, this is truly a “Bargain Price” and ready for a new owner. Seller retiring out of state. Permission to use neighbor’s small Cub Strip.
5 129,000
Tolsona Lake – Glennallen area SOLD- A beautiful, lake front parcel for the Best price we have seen for such a large lake front parcel. Foundation and insulated floor for a 20’x18’ cabin already done, road and power to the property. Cell phone works in the area. Great for Fishing, Hunting or Snowmobiling the many trails the area has to offer. Located at Mile Post 170 – Glenn Highway. Seller negotiable within reason on price & terms for a quick sale. 4.90 70,000 Details
Lake Louise – Jan Lake Cabin SOLD
- A wonderful, 2 story Cabin on this beautiful lake, just a few miles east of Lake Louise. This seller thought of everything; a nice pressurized water system, arctic entry with oil stove (main cabin heated by wood), large shop, sauna, shed and it comes with everything one could possibly want. Access is by snowmobile, airplane…. Totally off the grid & in the midst of the “Mighty” Nelchina Caribou herd. See Details for all the Information.
15.5 110,000
Skwentna – 7 miles south SOLD
- 7 Mile Lake – Island. Islands are one of the most sought after building sites and we are proud to have available this very, exquisite site. Only a half hour flight westerly from Anchorage. Lots of game (Bear & Moose) with Pike in the lake. Big Dock, Log Storage Shed, Boat & Motor, all included in the price. Check the Details for pictures and location.
4 59,900 Details
Togiak River SOLD - Motivated Seller: - A great parcel with apr. 1/2 mile of river frontage in this pristine and remote area. 160 $250,000
Prince Wm Sound – Latouche Island Sold - A nice, inexpensive lot on beautiful Latouche Island. Great for deer hunting, fishing or… Access would be by boat or small airplane. This is off the grid in Paradise. The seller prefers cash but would offer terms to a responsible party. It doesn’t get any better then that! 0.9 15,000 Details
Johnson Creek “Cabin” – Upper Yentna River SOLD - A rare find in this well sought after area for great Salmon or Rainbow fishing! Great hunting! And many miles of clear water creeks to explore: Kichatna River, Johnson Creek, Donkey Slough and the upper reaches of the Yentna River. Definitely check out the Details, Photos, etc. This could be the “steal” of the summer! 6.05 $79,900 Details
Little Johnstone Bay – Prince William Sound SOLD - REDUCED - Private property in this area is indeed rare! No extra charge for the outstanding Fishing and Scenery! Don't let this one get away! 3.33 $36,500
Yentna River Front between Kichatna and Johnson Creek SOLD- A well built, 16’x16’ two story cabin with all the creature comforts, including an ice maker, boat, 4 wheeler, etc. in the midst of the “Best” Salmon fishing and Hunting! Offered for a very affordable price. This is a roadless, remote area and access is only by boat, floatplane or snowmobile. 6.09 64,900 Details
Port Lions - Kodiak SOLD - REDUCED - A very nice, ocean front home on a commercial lot in the quaint village of Port Lions. Daily air service to Kodiak. Ferry service from Homer – Kodiak. 4 Bedroom, 3 baths, living room, kitchen and a large laundry room & a storage room. Beautiful decks to take in the bay view. Perfect as a vacation home or year round residence in this World Class fishing – hunting area. 10,030 sq.ft. 250,000
Prince Wm Sound – Day Harbor – Bowen Anchorage SOLD - Truly a fantastic parcel in a very protected bay. Perfect for the boater, kayaker, whale watcher, etc. in one of the State’s most beautiful settings. Emerald green forests, tide water glaciers and fantastic fishing! 3.9 65,000 Details
Sockeye Lake SOLD
Highly motivated, Out of Country seller!

A nice water front lot on this secluded mountain lake and yet only a short flight from Talkeetna. Great for fishing or hunting big game. Snowmobile access for the adventuresome. A great buy at this price!
4.2 $18,500

Kahiltna River area SOLD - These cabins are near the westerly bank of the upper reaches of the Kahiltna River with a breathtaking view of McKinley, Foraker and the whole Alaska Range. Difficult to get to, but well worth it if you like a wilderness setting and seclusion that is almost impossible to duplicate! Be it Fishing, Hunting or Photography, it just does not get any better! 15.89 69,000 Details
Richardson Highway – Mile 84¼ SOLD- A choice 20 acre parcel with power and phone nearby. Road access. And of course, in the midst of all the recreating you ever want to do; Fishing – Hunting – Sightseeing, etc. A great opportunity! 20 80,000 Details
Lake Louise SOLD- “Free Cabin”, although it may need some TLC and a little sweat equity, nevertheless you are just paying for the going price of land in the area. So here is your opportunity to get a “Killer” deal in one of the very desirable areas for Fishing, Hunting or Snowmobiling. Please check out the pictures and see for yourself. 4.4 39,900 Details
Lake Louise Road area SOLD-About 9 miles from the Glenn Highway along the year round maintained Lake Louise Road and about 5 miles to the East, is where you will find this large parcel of lake front land. Perfect for the snowmobiler, ATV or Super Cub pilot. Totally “off the grid”. Caribou – Moose – Bear - Wolf and great Fishing throughout the area. 28 30,000 Details
Matanuska Glacier – Mile 103.2 SOLD - A $1M Glacier View! A well built and super efficient to heat, home or cabin. About an hour drive from Palmer/Wasilla or 2 hours from Anchorage. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, apr. 1,500 sq.ft. Remote, but not totally off the grid. Check out the Details and Pictures. 3.8 199,000 Details
Sockeye Lake SOLD
Motivated Seller – Make Offer!
Only 15 miles north east from Talkeetna is where you find these nice lots on the outlet of Sockeye Lake. Great Fishing – Hunting! Totally off the gird. This would make for a nice getaway, winter or summer.
8.3 $16,500
Chandalar Lake - Cabin SOLD - A comfortable cabin with a separate shop & storage building. The place is well equipped with all one would hope to find in this arctic location. Literally surrounded by national parks, wildlife refuges, etc. A Paradise for the naturalist, fisherman or hunter, as you all will find your pleasure here. Please check out the pictures so you see how comfortable it can be to own a place so totally off the grid. 5 99,500 Details
Day Harbor – Bowen Anchorage SOLD- A beautiful lot in a very protected area about an hour boat trip out of Seward. Million Dollar view! Surrounded by glacier capped mountains, forest and wildlife. Great fishing – Kayaking, etc.! 3.3 41,000 Details
Dillingham Area SOLD- Off Aleknagik Road – Warehouse Mt. Road and from there on foot or possibly ATV (after some trail clearing) will get you to this nice, off the grid parcel amidst great hunting and of course, “World Class” fishing nearby; Wood River & Nushagak River. 4.3 10,900 Details
Pike Lake – Copper River SOLD- If you look for a needle in the hay stack, you have just found it! This has to be the “Best” lot on the lake with easy access to the world renowned Copper River, famous for its large Rainbow and Red Salmon fishery. 5 $89,900 Details
Lake Susitna - Lake Louise SOLD - A nice, well protected and secluded parcel, with a “Spartan” trailer amidst the Caribou migration route and of course, with it comes all the wild life from Moose to Bear and you may even see a Wolf going after a Caribou or two. Year round road access to Lake Louise then from there by boat or maintained snowmobile trail. Check out our Detail section for the pictures. 4.9 29,900 Details
Lake Creek – Yentna River SOLD - 2 nice Cabins and a lot more at one of the “Finest” locations for fishing in South Central Alaska! All 5 species of Salmon plus Rainbow and Grayling. Easy access by boat or snowmobile and of course, airplane (float/skis), apr. a ½ hour flight from Anchorage. Snowmobiles, ATV and a lot more are ALL included for an unbelievable low price. Perfect for a group of guys or rent one of the cabins & extra room out to fishermen or hunters. 9.5 135,000 Details
Hewitt Lake SOLD - A very nice, protected parcel, perfect for the float plane pilot! Hewitt Lake is only one out of two lakes that is accessible off the Yentna River by boat. Of course, you have snowmobile access or scheduled air taxi service from Skwentna, apr. 8 miles away. It is a very popular area due to the accessibility yet totally off the grid with great fishing and hunting all around you. 6.4 25,000 Details
Yentna River Area SOLD - Only about 500’ off the river (State land between the property and river) high on a ridge with a commanding river view. Just below the Big Bend, reachable by boat or snowmobile, about an hour trip from the Deshka Landing (Willow), amidst great Hunting & Fishing! And best of all, a large parcel with lots of privacy. 20 39,900 Details
Glennallen SOLD-
Very Motivated Seller! Will look at ALL offers
- About a mile south of the intersection of the Glenn & Richardson Highway and about ¾ mile to the west of the Richardson Hwy. along a dedicated easement is where you find these nice, inexpensive, well treed parcels. These are “Bargain” prices! Amidst great Fishing and Hunting, with the quaint village of Glennallen offering all the necessary services.
10 12,500SOLD Details
Glennallen Area Cabin SOLD- A basic cabin about 1.3 miles south of the Glenn and Richardson Highway intersection, tucked away in the woods, but only a short distance from the highway pull out. Check out all the pictures and maps and you will see that this is a Great Buy if one likes a rural setting – lifestyle. 19.99 49,900 Details
Kahiltna River area SOLD - These cabins are near the westerly bank of the upper reaches of the Kahiltna River with a breathtaking view of McKinley, Foraker and the whole Alaska Range. Difficult to get to, but well worth it if you like a wilderness setting and seclusion that is almost impossible to duplicate! Be it Fishing, Hunting or Photography, it just does not get any better! 15.89 69,000 Details
Prince Wm Sound – Whidbey Bay SOLD
REDUCED - “Seller is motivated to sell and would generously discount for cash. Military Discount!!! Let’s see what you can do!”

This is absolutely not a run of the mill tract of land. It is so special you may just have to go and look for yourself. Big trees, a fresh water creek coming down the mountain for hydro power, running water, etc. tucked away for privacy, access by boat or plane (beach landing). A rare find at an exceptional buy. Please check out the details
3 $65,000
$44,500 Terms
Canyon Lake area SOLD - Apr. 15 miles westerly of Skwentna. This nice, wooded parcel is located about ½ mile off the Skwentna River or Canyon Lake. Totally off the grid with great fishing and hunting all around you! Access would be by boat, snowmobile or plane. 9.4 $15,000
Off Petersville Road (north) SOLD- About 3 miles north of Petersville Rd. along the West Fork of Moose Creek, on a high & dry bluff, with a breathtaking view of the Alaska Range, is where you will find this “Exceptional” property. 3 different land owners all assembled into a large 84 acre Tract, for those of you who want some elbow room. Although owners would sell separately. Please ck out the Details & all the pictures, etc.
“Motivated Seller, will look at ALL reasonable offers”.
Hatcher Pass SOLD
Way below recent appraised value. Outside owner anxious to sell.
A remote, 55 acre parcel, totally off the grid, in the middle of Alaska’s finest recreation area, with Willow Creek frontage. A “Paradise for the Sportsman!” Hunting, Fishing, Snowmobiling, Skiing, Hiking, Snowshoeing, etc.
55 $105,000
Big River SOLD - A far out place to pursue a “Trophy” Moose, Sheep or Bear. And I have been told that the fishing is nothing to sneeze about (Salmon, Grayling and the occasional Trout). Totally off the grid and fly in only. Be it air taxi or your own airplane to land on one of the nearby gravel/tundra strips. 37 35,000 Details
Lake Louise – Cameron Cove Cabin SOLD - A cozy cabin in one of the most desirable locations on the lake, where one can seldom find some property. Nice, southwesterly facing exposure, perfect for the floatplane owner or anyone who wants to get out of the rougher waters of Lake Louise. Year round access to the Lake Louise Lodge and from there just a short boat/snowmobile ride to the property. Check out the Details. 4 59,900

Valdez – Thompson Pass area SOLD
“Drastic Price Reduction” & Seller will consider owner financing.

2 Cabins & a Shed, just at the bottom of the Pass (Mile 19). A Handyman Special, but with a little bit of work you could fix them up just the way you want them. Public electric, a commercially approved septic system & a well. This is a “Rare” find.
2.7 149,000
Yentna – Upper Fish Lake SOLD- One of the “Best” locations for a float plane owner in this area! A large, one room cabin, owned by a former air taxi operator. Truly the “pick of the litter” and at a super reasonable price. A willing seller who will look at ALL reasonable offers and would make you one heck of a deal if it is all cash!!! This would definitely be under the “Best Buy” category.
Handyman Special”. Seller wants it sold this summer! Drastic Price Reduction.
2.7 75,000
Shell Lake area SOLD - Seller says “Sell”! Will do some owner financing.
Will also trade for “Hand Trolling or Dungeness Permit” in SE.

A beautiful lake front parcel. Accessible by airplane (Super Cub) or snowmobile. Great moose hunting in the Shell Hills! Apr. 100 miles northwest of Anchorage.
4.7 $13,900

Lake Louise – Blueberry Cove SOLD
Price Reduced
- A nice building lot with a great view over the lake; accessible by snowmobile, boat or airplane. A great recreation area, winter or summer! There is year round maintained road access to the end of the lake and from there it is apr. 8 miles by boat or snowmobile to the property.
Only $10,000.- Down, $300.- a month at 7% interest until paid in full!!!
3.55 39,500
Lake Louise SOLD
A large parcel of land, accessible from the road with a grandiose view over the lake and surrounding area. For those of you who don’t want to take a boat ride or snowmobile ride to bring your “stuff” to your cabin, this location is certainly convenient. A must for you to check out all the Details and pictures.
6.8 34,900 Details
Port Lions - Kodiak SOLD
Seller will negotiate with a serious buyer!
A nice, ocean front property with a Million Dollar view, small house, large shop building and ALL the toys imaginable; boat, 6 wheeler, etc. Perfect for a group of hunters, fishermen or a small family for year round living.
0.58 $245,000

Ketchikan – Moser Bay - Long Arm SOLD -
"Best Buy”, as the Borough is selling neighboring lots in the $40K to $50K price range!
A very special property, be it for Kayaking – Fishing – Wild Life or… Only about 20 + - miles from Ketchikan or about 6 miles from the end of the road, “Off the Grid”. As good as it gets for SE property. Best of all, just about $26K below assessed value. How can you beat that? So don’t wait, or…
2.8 $40,000
Yentna River – Fish Creek Cabin SOLD - About 3 miles up from Lake Creek is where you find Fish Creek. This property is on a small lake reachable by small airplane or snowmobile, possible boat access (read detailed description). The cozy cabin could be the right get away spot for your winter or summer adventure. Owner may finance with 50% down. 3.19 $64,000 Details
Kenai Keys SOLD- A great place to Live, Fish and Recreate! In this gated community with a private boat launch, shared by you and only a handful of neighbors. A 3 side log home with 2 huge outbuildings for storage of all your “toys and stuff”. Fantastic Salmon fishing all around you! Get it while the low interest, new financing is still available. 39,560 sq. ft. 425,000 Details
Talachulitna River – Star Lake SOLD - Just a short walk from this nice lake, gets you to Alaska’s Premier fishing stream. All 5 species of Salmon, Trophy Rainbow….. Big Moose and Bears all around this area. Best of All, this price includes 2 Cabins and a seller willing to negotiate for a “Cash Deal”. So please bring me all offers. Check out the Details. 0.78 49,900 Details
Upper Twin Lake, Near Eureka – Glennallen area SOLD - One of the Nicest properties with the most detailed description we have ever seen from a seller in a great, “off the grid” location; Upper Twin Lake. This large tract with the impeccable Log Cabin, Storage Sheds, etc. would certainly be your pride of possession. It is a must for you to check out all the Details and Description to get a full understanding of this Location and Property. Best of all, the owner would finance with a $60K down payment. 39.7 170,000 Details
Prince Wm Sound – Two Moon Bay SOLD - A great find for the boater out of Valdez, the fisherman or naturalist, as here you have it all; from great scenery to fantastic fishing, whale watching, wild life photography or…. and best of all, the seller is very negotiable. 1.5 39,900 Details
Shell Lake - Frontage SOLD - The “Best” price we have ever seen on this lake with almost 700’ of lake frontage. A great parcel with good Hunting, Fishing, Snowmobiling, Dog Mushing, etc. as you are very close to the Iditarod Trail. Have snowmobile, float or ski plane access and all that for a price too good to be true. Please check out the Details and Pictures. Keep in mind, the out of state elderly owner will only look at a cash sale. 21.7 44,000 Details
Yentna River – Big Bend SOLD - REDUCED - A large parcel, well treed, high and dry with all the fishing and hunting you could ever want. All 5 Species of Salmon, Bear (black and brown) and Moose will be your most frequent visitors.
Seller will look at ALL reasonable offers!
6.44 $29,900
Lake Clark – Keyes Point SOLD - A beautiful building lot for a VERY affordable price in the Lake Clark National Park / Preserve. Protected bay for a floatplane owner or private runway access – your choice. Great Fishing, lots of Wildlife. This is absolutely a “FIRE SALE” for this price. 4.4 9,900 Details

Matanuska Glacier – Mile 103.2

SOLD - A building lot with a Million Dollar View, perfect for your home or cabin. Only a 2 hour drive from Anchorage. Driveway, Well & Building Pad already there. Electric & Telephone 300’ away. Please check out the fantastic view in our photo section. All this amidst of all the recreation Alaska has to offer: Fishing, Hunting, Wildlife (sheep, moose, bear), ATV trails & Snowmobiling in Eureka, etc. See Details.




Hewitt Lake SOLD - An apr.1,216 sq.ft. Main cabin, 2 out Cabins, Shop Building, Storage Sheds plus an 1,800’ long, 200’ wide Runway. Great opportunity for you and your friends, be it float or wheel plane pilots, boater or snowmobilers, here you have it ALL! Check out Details. 13.8 $199,000 Details
Glennallen – Copper Center Area SOLD - Just Reduced - About a mile off the highway on a “pioneer trail” you will find this nice, wooded large tract. Not for the faint of heart. But those of you who have the true pioneer spirit this would be a great spot. Off the grid. Motivated Seller, would do owner financing w/a reasonable down payment. 17. 8 $25,000
Lake Louise Area SOLD- About 1.6 miles due East from Cameron Cove on Lake Louise, on the Jan Lake Trail, is where you will find this cute, little cabin. The place is perfectly suitable for winter and summer use (the owner lived there several years). It is a great snowmobile getaway and also perfect for the caribou/moose hunter. There is a good trail to Lake Louise, but one would have to take a boat from the end of the road to Cameron Cove and then hike in. Totally off the grid with only cell phone service. Seller says “Make me an Offer!” 4.2 39,000
Larsen Bay - Uyak Bay Cabins SOLD - A stunning ocean view parcel with no neighbors in a protective, deep water cove with fantastic Fishing, Hunting & Sea life all around you. A basic 2 bedroom Cabin, a large 20’x40’ Shop building with a bunkroom partitioned off in the back, Gear/Meat Shed; furnished and lots of extras. “A rare find as there are no neighboring parcels”. 2 95,000 Details
Prince Wm Sound – Johnstone Bay area SOLD -A wonderful opportunity, here you have all the hard work done in one of the nicest areas Alaska has to offer. Here you can have a “cool” one with ice that may be 1000 years old and calved off the huge glacier, which forms the backdrop of this area. Surrounded by emerald green forests and teeming with wildlife. Great fishing or whale watching in the Bay. Just one of those places you will instantly fall in love with. Please check out the details.
Large price reduction and “Great” owner financing with only a 25% down payment! Terms negotiable.
29,900 Lot

49,900 Cabin
Shell Lake Area – Onestone Lake SOLD -An inexpensive property, perfect for a snowmobile get away cabin, a dog musher, since you are real close to the Iditarod Trail. Or maybe just a spot to get away, do a little hunting or… Access would be: ski or float plane, about an hour trip from Anchorage to Onestone Lake or by snowmobile. Totally off the grid! 4.2 $8,750 Details
McCarthy SOLD- About 3 miles downstream from the footbridge (see directions in the Detail section). A beautiful, Aspen covered building lot, and “Best” of all the Well is already in. Accessible by your SUV. Truly a “Nature Lover’s Paradise” in the Kennicott – McCarthy area in the Wrangell – St. Elias National Park Preserve, the Nation’s largest Park. 3.1 35,000 Details
Hewitt – Whisky Lake Area – Unnamed Lake SOLD
Motivated Seller - will look at any reasonable offer.
About 2 miles NW of Hewitt Lake or 10 miles west of Skwentna is where you will find this nice, secluded lake with a great view of McKinley and Foraker and a very nice cabin, guest cabin and shop building. Check out the Inventory and Equipment list with all that goes with the sale, and you will see that this is a Bargain at the asking price.
10 $125,000 Details
Lake Minchumina SOLD
- A beautiful fly in lake with Mt. McKinley towering over the area and located on the edge of McKinley National Park. This property offers something for everyone: Naturalist, Photographer, spectacular Northern Lights in winter, superb Fishing and commercial air service from Fairbanks. Definitely check out the Details!
4.81 $35,000

Iliamna – “Slopbucket Lake” SOLD - A great buy for the float plane owner or… amidst great Hunting and Fishing. Road access from the village of Iliamna. Scheduled flights from Anchorage to Iliamna if you are not a pilot. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to buy this cheap (Estate Sale). 0.49 10,000 Details
Paxson Lake SOLD
A very nice lot to build your dream cabin on, just a short distance from the highway. Great for a fisherman, hunter, snowmobiler, pilot, etc.!!! Keep in mind Paxson Lake is very popular, so this property may not stay on the market very long.
.41 59,000 Details
Lake Louise Rd. Mile 7- Cabin SOLD
A basic cabin apr. 1½ mile east from the parking lot off Lake Louise Road @ Mile 7. 4 Wheeler trail or snowmobile access. A large 20 acre parcel with a great view. Perfect for the caribou hunter or…
20 35,000 Details
Petersville – Shulin Lake Trail SOLD - If you are looking for a great recreation Cabin to enjoy, winter or summer, then this is the place for you! Neat and clean and ready to move in. All you would need are your personal items, food, beverage of choice and you could be enjoying it tomorrow. Check out Details; Pictures, etc. This is too good a Deal to pass up! 5 $59,900 Details
Near Glennallen SOLD - A great buy for a road frontage lot with power and telephone. A perfect place to build your home if you like to Fish and Hunt and live near the laid back community of Glennallen. At this bargain price it won’t be on the market long! 6 18,000 Details
Glennallen – Richardson Hwy SOLD-About a 1½ miles north of the intersection of the Glenn and Richardson Hwy., about 600’ to the east is where you will find this nice, large parcel for a very affordable price. Check out the exact location in our Detail section 38.4 25,000 Details
West Side Cook Inlet SOLD
Buy Both and Seller will make you a great deal!

Harriett Creek in the Redoubt Mt. area near Bear Lake. 2 nice bluff parcels with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and glaciers. Game Galore due to the proximity of Lake Clark National Park. It’s hard to reach but well worth the effort if you want to have something totally off the grid.
6.9 &
Very Negotiable!
Lake Creek -Yentna River SOLD - Here is your only opportunity to own a parcel in the ”Best” fishing spot Southcentral Alaska has to offer. Fly in or boat to access. A great place for 5 or 6 guys to own their own “Private Retreat” and share with their friends. Please look at all the pictures and see all the various opportunities of what one may want to do with this outstanding place & location. 7 + - River Front $350,000 Details
McCarthy – Kennicott River front SOLD - About 1½ miles from the confluence of the Kennicott & Nizina Rivers is where you will find this large parcel (rare in this area) with an apr. 900 sq. ft. unfinished cabin. All located within the Wrangell – St. Elias National Park & Preserve. A rare find for a great price with owner financing. 12 125,000 Details
Kahiltna River area SOLD - Between Lake Creek and the Kahiltna River apr. 15 miles up the Kahiltna River is where you will find this very remote setting. Hard to get to but well worth it! Hike over to Lake Creek for great fishing. Great view from the parcel as well as lots of wildlife. Totally off the grid. 39.1 $25,000 Details
Yentna River by Big Bend - Slough SOLD - This has to be one of the “Best” parcels on the river. Great boat or snowmobile access. Best of all, this lot was high and dry during the flooding last fall. One might even land a Cub in there or…. Off the grid, only about a good hour from the Deshka Landing. 4.41 $26,500.- Great Terms!!! Details
Dillingham SOLD
Major Price Reduction, $60K Cash! Total Price!!! Appraised last year for $150,000.
Small house or cabin with several outbuildings. Very artistic design. Offered at a great “Bargain” price with the conditions of the property unknown. To be strictly sold in: As Is – Where Is conditions. Could be a little money maker. A house with a couple rental cabins, etc. Your choice. You check it out and you will find that this is an “Outstanding” Bargain!
apr. 20,481 sq.ft $149,900
Clarence Lake – Talkeetna Mts. SOLD - Where Presidents fished and world class Lake Trout and Grayling come from, is the way to describe this lake, which is apr. 60 miles northwesterly of Lake Louise in the foothills of the Talkeetna Mts. The home of the “Mighty” Nelchina Caribou herd, trophy Moose and Grizzly and ONLY 3 private parcels on the 2 mile long lake. If that is of interest to you, check out the Details. 2.3 120,000 Details
Johnson Creek Area – Unnamed Lake SOLD- A nice, southerly facing lake front lot at a very secluded setting with access to great fishing. Totally off the grid. Float plane or snowmobile access only. About 5 miles northwest of Shell Lake (near Skwentna). 6.8 15,000 Details
Amook Island – Waterfront Home - Kodiak SOLD - Remote, wilderness living at it’s finest! This large, apr. 48’x24’ Home has all the conveniences of comfortable living one would usually not expect in this remote setting. Satellite TV, Internet, Boat, Tractor, you name it. Everything is included in the sale and then some more. This is wilderness living amidst bears and some of the finest fishing you can imagine; from Crab to Halibut to Salmon. And best of all, the owner would finance with a reasonable down payment. Check out the Details for this “Jewel”. 10 $225,000 Details
Kenai River – Kenai Keys SOLD - Words can hardly describe this fantastic, Post & Beam constructed Home in a gated community with a great view over the River. Private boat Launch, small Harbor, just for a few of your neighboring homes. 3 Bedrooms, 2½ Baths, 3 Car Garages plus… So please take a look at the pictures to see this handcrafted home (click on Details). 39,561 sq. ft. 599,000 Details
Sheep Creek Area SOLD - A beautifully hand crafted log home on a stunning 160 acres with apr. ½ mile of Sheep Creek frontage. Your own private paradise and for the fisherman, you have King, Silver and Pink salmon coming by your doorstep and “Trophy” Rainbow. You are remote, yet with state maintained road access, and off the Parks Hwy. apr. 7 miles for true privacy. 160 550,000 Details
North of Petersville Area – Kelly Lake SOLD - This water front (apr. 400’) parcel offers a fabulous view of Mt. McKinley and the whole Alaska Range, apr. 4 miles due west of the Parks Hwy. near Mile Post 131. This area is known for great snowmobiling in the winter. A steal at this price! 4.92 29,900 Details
Near Skwentna – Talachulitna River SOLD - Woods Lake, a local name, is a beautiful, scenic tucked away setting. Perfect for the Super Cub owner or a snowmobiler. There are only a couple of private parcels on the lake and the highly motivated owner would make someone a great deal if they are a cash buyer. 39.77 29,900 Details
Lake Clark – Dice Bay SOLD - One of the nicest fly in parcels on Lake Clark. And that is no “Bull”. Only a floatplane pilot will appreciate this location; the protective bay and tie down area for your plane. This property is located in the Lake Clark National Park Preserve. Yes, you can hunt here & of course, there is great fishing all around. 39.9 149,900 Details
Donkey Creek SOLD - A basic cabin at the “Best” fishing spot. This is just where Donkey Creek runs into Donkey Slough (where the clear water meets the silty water). A fantastic spot for Kings & Silvers and great for Moose and Bear hunting! About 5 miles up from the Yentna River. A great buy where real estate is hard to come by! 1 45,000 Details
Flat Horn Lake SOLD - Cabin / Retreat. Only 20 miles NW from Anchorage by plane (float or skis), boat or snowmobile access. Absolutely the most comfortable place I’ve seen, including all the outbuildings one could think of, if you spend a lot of time there or possibly even make it a year round place. An Estate Sale and everything stays at a bargain price. A must to check out all the pictures and write. (Click on Details). 1.2 99,900 Details
Rainy Pass - Cabin SOLD - About 4 miles south of Hells Gate on the west side of the river is where you will find this neatly tucked away cabin with storage building, sauna, etc. in the midst of some of the finest hunting Alaska has to offer; from Bear, Moose, Caribou to Wolf, Sheep, Buffalo and other game animals. Truly a rare find! And all the hard work has been done for you. Please check out the pictures & the Improved Property Fact Sheet in our Detailed section. 4.9 69,900 Details
Prince Wm Sound – Chenega Bay SOLD - A place everyone wants. No wonder, as the area is about as nice as it can get with huge glaciers, old growth forest, deep blue waters, ALL Salmon species, Halibut, Crab, Shrimp, Whales and all sorts of Sea Life, etc. This Lodge is currently not operating due to personal reasons but could make someone a great place to jump in with both feet into the lodge business. See all our pictures in the Details section and you will agree with us. .49 800,000 Details
Lake Louise SOLD - An exceptionally nice lot on the easterly shoreline of Lake Louise, with a beautiful sunny exposure for the great sunsets that are so common. A great view over the lake and Talkeetna Mts. One of the best Lake Trout fishing in the state! And of course, the “Mighty” Nelchina Caribou herd migrates twice a year, with Moose and Bear being present. 3.9 39,000 Details
Hewitt Lake Airstrip SOLD - 2 nice Airstrip frontage lots with Deeded access to Hewitt Lake. A great place for fishing or boating, with access to many great fishing streams along the Yentna River. Hunting moose or bear, you won’t be disappointed. See Details. 4.9 22,500 & 32,500
Yentna River - Fish Lakes area SOLD- A beautiful lake front lot at truly a bargain price on Otter Lake. Only 65 air miles from Anchorage. Remote and off the grid with only a few cabins on the lake. A perfect spot for your private retreat! 4.98 15,000 Details
Fish Lakes area off Yentna River SOLD
Drastic Price Reduction! “Best Buy on the Market!”
- A nice log Cabin with great fishing and wildlife all around you! Snowmobile or plane access or one may get there by small jet boat with a short hike (large beaver damn blocks lake access).
3.31 49,900

Donkey Lake area SOLD - 20% + Price Reduction. Now is the time to buy!
The original Homestead cabin with all the “goodies” one needs for remote living. Hard to get to? You bet! Totally off the grid amidst the Wilds of Alaska.
39.8 55,000
Caribou Island – Skilak Lake SOLD - A nice cabin lot in a highly desirable area. Here you can fish the Kenai River, coming in or out of Skilak Lake and return to your quiet setting on the Island. This property is only a short distance from the water (less than 300’). A bargain price for such a “Beauty”. 30,600 sq. ft. (apr. ¾ acre) $9,900 Details
Kakhonak Bay SOLD - A great price for a nice parcel in a very protected bay. Great fishing and hunting all round you! Fantastic cabin site. 1.7 $15,000 Details
Big River – Revelation Mts. SOLD - A beautiful, large tract in one of the “Best” hunting areas Alaska has to offer. Super Cub access, Fantastic scenery with the Revelation Mts. and all the glaciers serving as your back drop. Very Remote! 37.9 30,000 Details
Lake Clark National Park - Preserve SOLD - A “Rare” find for such a large, private parcel in the Preserve. Well protected for the floatplane pilot. A perfect opportunity for a small partnership or... to own such a large parcel. This area has everything to offer; Big Game – Great Salmon & Trout fishing, and of course, for the boater, to explore the wildlife in the “hard core” Park area. Check on Details. 160 250,000 Details
Willow Lake Front – Copper Center, apr. Mile Post 87.5 SOLD -The “Best” lot on the lake with an awesome view over the Wrangell Mts. (see photos). There is Richardson Highway frontage and lake frontage. Power & phone available and best of all, no real estate taxes. 1.13 $39,000 Details
Glennallen – Glenn Highway SOLD - A great buy for a road frontage lot with power and telephone. A perfect place to build your home if you like to Fish and Hunt and lie near the laid back community of Glennallen. At this bargain price it won’t be on the market long! 5.93 19,200 Details
Willow Lake Front – Copper Center area SOLD - The “Best” view parcel on Willow Lake with a stunning view of Mt. Drum and Wrangell Mt. with it’s snow capped peaks in the Nation’s largest National Park. Road and Lake Frontage. 2 55,000 Details
Gunsight Mt. Area – Nelchina Trail SOLD - A nice cabin building lot, about 2½ miles north of the Glenn Highway, just past the Old Gunsight Mt. Lodge. A favorite spot for snowmobiling or ATVers, caribou hunters, etc. 1.8 20,000 Details
Big River – McGrath area SOLD - Known for trophy animals. Truly a Hunter’s paradise. A beautiful large parcel in one of the most scenic areas the State has to offer. Perfect for the Super Cub owner or any Bush plane on large tires. All for a great price! 14.7 29,000 Details
Alexander Creek - Front SOLD
Greatly reduced from $395,000 to $295,000.- now 274,000 for a Quick Sale. This is over $150,000 below appraised value. Possible assumable bank loan should make it easy to acquire.

Great Log Home with many amenities and extras, all listed in great detail in our Detailed section. Truly remote living with ALL the creature comforts of home. Here you can live off the land, fish and hunt, explore or…. Impossible to duplicate for the asking price. Health reasons forces the sale.
7.25 $395,000
Bristol Bay - Naknek SOLD - Two commercially zoned lots, each with a house. One lot has 2 shop buildings, etc. Sewer, Electric, Telephone, TV, Cell, private Wells, 2 comfortable Homes. Seller may consider selling separately. Check with your friendly banker as with commercial zoning financing will be different then your usual home finance. Great opportunity for someone with a large family who wants to start his own business! Please check on Details. Each 1 acre $170,000
& $130,000
McCarthy - Kennicott SOLD - At the end of the road so to speak on the west side of the Foot Bridge going into McCarthy and about a 1,000’ north of the road. Good access. A great opportunity to own a large parcel in one of the most desirable areas in the State! 5 24,900 Details
McCarthy - Kennicott SOLD - A large tract in one of the State’s more desirable areas. This property is on the west side of the Kennicott River. Great for your recreation cabin – home or small business. Lots of history and located in the Nation’s largest Park and Preserve, Wrangell St. Elias National Park. Hurry, land in this area usually doesn’t last very long!!! 5 24,900 Details
Lake Louise – Blueberry Cove SOLD - A nice building lot with a great view, accessible by snowmobile, boat or airplane. A great recreation area, winter or summer! There is year round maintained access to the end of the lake and from there it is apr. 8 miles by boat or snowmobile to the property. 3.55 39,900 Details
McCarthy SOLD - Fully hand scribed Log Cabin on a beautiful 5 acre parcel next to the “In town airstrip”. This place is just waiting for your finishing touch. A rare find! See pictures in our Detailed section. 5 $159,900 Details
Lake Susitna - 3 Bedroom Cabin SOLD - A one of a kind place, with no neighbors, just surrounded by State land and water. A great recreation area, with easy access on a paved road to Lake Louise and from there a boat or snowmobile ride of apr. 10 miles to this fantastic spot. 4.97 $95,000 Details
McCarthy SOLD - A large piece of ground for a very reasonable price located in this highly desirable area of McCarthy. A paradise for hiking, biking, glacier tours, photographers or naturalists. Please check out the details on this fine property. 11.01 $29,900 Details
Richardson Hwy. apr. Mile 181.5 SOLD - Where else can you find just about an acre of land for this price! A nice area just south of Pippen Lake and the Edgerton Highway cutoff on the east side of the Richardson Highway. Meets and Bound legal description, hard to find, but well worth the effort. .95 5,500 Details
Kenny Lake SOLD - A nice, apr. 1 acre lot, just a short distance off the highway on a gravel road. A perfect place to stay if you like to fish the Copper River or any of the other areas. The area offers a spectacular view of the glacier capped mts. Power & telephone are on the main road. 43,296 sq.ft. $10,000 Details
Glennallen SOLD - Glenn Highway, apr. 2 miles west of Glennallen. A great buy for a road frontage lot with power and telephone. A perfect place if you like to Fish and Hunt and live near the laid back community of Glennallen. At this bargain price it won't last long! 5.89 $16,900 Details
Near Glennallen SOLD - Just a short distance west of Glennallen and apr. 700’ off the highway along a 100’ wide section line easement is where you find this nice, Black Spruce covered acreage. See Details. Great Fishing & Hunting all around you! Power & Telephone on the highway. A great Buy with fantastic owner financing! Hurry! This bargain may not last long. (Estate Sale). 17.48 $10,000 Details
Cantwell – Drashner Lake Front SOLD - A large, apr. 4.235 sq.ft., Home, 2,400 sq.ft. Garage for all your “Toys”, Airstrip/Floatplane access, Private Road to property, Electric & Telephone, stunning Setting. Perfect for year round living! Or a group of snowmobilers, etc. Check out the Details. 4.2 $368,000 Details
Delta Area SOLD - Log home, apr. 25 miles east of Delta, new log guest cabin, nicely finished with all the conveniences of home in a remote, yet accessible location with public power, telephone, etc. Well equipped and a “Must See”! Please check out the Details and Pictures. 10 $225,000 Details
Yentna River Front between Kichatna and Johnson Creek SOLD - A well built, 16’x16’ two story cabin with all the creature comforts, including an ice maker, boat, 4 wheeler, etc. in the midst of the “Best” Salmon fishing and Hunting! Offered for a very affordable price. This is a roadless, remote area and access is only by boat, floatplane or snowmobile. 6.09 75,000 Details
Skwentna River SOLD - A beautiful high and dry lot on the Skwentna River about 6 miles upstream from Skwentna. A great place to base yourself out of for: fantastic fishing (Talachulitna River) or hunting. Access is by riverboat or snowmobile. 5 $14,900 Details
Off Oilwell Road/Petersville Road SOLD - A Hunter’s – Fishermen’s delight with snowmobile & ATV access off Oilwell Road from Petersville Road. Great Moose and Bear hunting! Apr. 3 miles east of the Kahiltna River. Size: Price: 35.83 $33,000 Details
Lake Creek near Quiet Lake SOLD - A unique parcel for the Lake Creek floater, who is after the “Big” ones in a very secluded setting and in front of the “Best” fishing hole on the whole river, “The Bluffs”. 4.95 $35,000 Details
Chelatna Lake SOLD - A "5 Star" Property. Absolutely the finest money can buy! Be it Wildlife, Fishing or Serene Enjoyment, you won't find any better. Seller may split in half. Check out Details. 46 $625,000 Details
West Side Cook Inlet SOLD - Apr. 75 miles south of Anchorage just barely out of Lake Clark National Park. Great trophy hunting for Bear and Moose. Access by Super Cub, skis/floats. Frontage on a small lake. A “Hunter’s Paradise”. 11.12 15,500 Details
Drift River SOLD - Apr. 75 miles south of Anchorage just barely out of Lake Clark National Park. Great trophy hunting for bear and moose. Access by Super Cub, wheel/floats. Frontage on a small lake/creek. A hunter’s paradise. Best of all, the price is right. 5.4 $9,900 Details
Lower Yentna River SOLD - A very nice, large main cabin fully equipped with shower, etc. Guest cabins, shop, sawmill, etc. Only 6 miles up the Yentna River & a great family getaway for fishing or hunting, or one may even live there year round if you are of the pioneer spirit. 5 $99,000 Details
Alexander Creek Frontage SOLD - A nice building lot, apr. 10 miles up Alexander Creek, easily reached by jet boat or snowmobile. Great moose or bear hunting. Silver Salmon or Rainbow fishing. 4.59 $35,000 Details
Judd Lake area-High Mt. Lakes SOLD -Remote and off the grid with an abundance of fish and game throughout the whole area. Great picturesque setting on this mountain lake! ½ hour flight from Anchorage. Selling way below tax assessed value. 4.75 6,000 Details
Kenai SOLD - Drastic Reduction – Seller says: “Sell!!!” $295,000- A comfortable and cozy economy lodge just a stone’s throw from the famous Kenai River. A perfect place for a small family operation as one person could operate the lodge. Please check on our Detail section as this may just be the right place for you. 0.9 $495,000
West Side Cook Inlet SOLD - Apr. 75 miles south of Anchorage just barely out of Lake Clark National Park. Great trophy hunting for Bear and Moose. Access by Super Cub, skis/floats. Frontage on a small lake. A “Hunter’s Paradise”. 11.12 15,500 Details
Kenai Lake SOLD - RV Park – Cabin Rental & House / Store - Kenai Lake Frontage – Moose Pass Area 7.3 950,000 Details
Sand Point SOLD - A great welding business with a 2 bedroom residence in the quaint fishing community of Sand Point. This small, successful business would be great for someone who wants to relocate and is an experienced welder. Everything is included. Please check out the Detailed List of equipment, pickup truck, etc. and income. Leased Land for shop, Fee Simple for residence 240,000 Details
Glenn Hwy. Tok Cutoff, Mentasta Pass

SOLD - Drastic Price Reduction due to health reasons. Owner has to sell and will look at any reasonable offer. This is a real “Money Maker!” Please call!!!

A full service Lodge; Rooms, Food, Gas, Bar. A great year round on going business with a long history of operation in an area where there are no services available for miles and miles. Great business opportunity for the right family who wants to change their lifestyle.

5 $840,000
Kenai Lake SOLD - RV Park – Cabin Rental & House / Store - Kenai Lake Frontage – Moose Pass Area 7.3 950,000 Details
Kenai SOLD - Drastic Reduction – Seller says: “Sell!!!” $295,000 - A comfortable and cozy economy lodge just a stone’s throw from the famous Kenai River. A perfect place for a small family operation as one person could operate the lodge. Please check on our Detail section as this may just be the right place for you. 0.9 $495,000
Dillingham - Lake Aleknagik, Wood River-Tikchik State Park SOLD- A one of a kind, large parcel in the most renown fishing – hunting areas there is. Perfect for development; Lodge, Youth Camp, Subdividing, or……. 79.98 $330,000 Details
Port Lions – Kodiak SOLD - A wonderful Family Operated Business in a breathtaking location! With the best Fishing and Hunting available we have seen. And a great place to live if you want to change to a very satisfying lifestyle. Great accommodations! The place is neat and clean as it can be and perfect for you to inspect. You will be impressed upon your visit. Please check out Details. 18,225 sq. ft. $875,000 Details
Wood River
SOLD - A “Landmark” location, “Moody’s Fuel Service” and 3 older homes on Wood River/Lake Aleknagik with over 500’ lakefront. A dream location waiting for an enterprising new owner! 1.5 $790,000 Details
Lake Clark – Keyes Point SOLD - A beautiful development, with a nice gravel runway, year round caretaker and covenants to protect your investment. A nice recreation property (no commercial use) on the shores of beautiful Lake Clark in Lake Clark National Park/Preserve. 2.5 15,000 Details
Iliamna SOLD - An exceptional find on the world famous “Iliamna River”. A place truly appreciated by the “Trophy” hunter or fisherman. Access would be by boat from Pedro Bay or float plane. Beautiful setting. 5 $40,000 Details
Drift River SOLD - Apr. 75 miles south of Anchorage just barely out of Lake Clark National Park. Great trophy hunting for bear and moose. Access by Super Cub, wheel/floats. Frontage on a small lake/creek. A hunter’s paradise. Best of all, the price is right. 5.4 $9,900 Details
Ugak Bay area SOLD - A great, large hunting parcel just waiting for you to build your nice cabin on. Near a creek for fresh water and deer and bears as your “friendly” neighbors. Can hardly get any better then that! A true Sportsman Paradise! 9.6 $25,000
Port Lions SOLD - A wonderful Family Operated Business in a breathtaking location! With the best Fishing and Hunting available we have seen. And a great place to live if you want to change to a very satisfying lifestyle. Great accommodations! The place is neat and clean as it can be and perfect for you to inspect. You will be impressed upon your visit. Please check out Details. 18,225 sq. ft. $875,000 Details
Karluk Lagoon

SOLD - A Fisherman's Dream and A Hunter's Paradise. Apr. 140' frontage on Karluk Lagoon. Hurry, this one won't last through the season!
Seller will trade for an inexpensive air worthy aircraft.

0.79 $35,000 Details
Seward / Resurrection Bay SOLD - An outstanding 5 acre parcel with a fresh water creek, between Thumb and Humpy Cove. So if you have been looking in this area and have not found anything, here it is but you may want to hurry. Great fishing and scenery!!! (See the photos). 5 $79,900 Details
Ketchikan – Coon Island SOLD - On George Inlet apr. 15 miles out of Ketchikan, this parcel is reachable by small skiff or… Deep water moorage. The Tongass National Forest surrounds you. Great Fishing for Salmon, Trout, Shell fish, etc. Beautiful lot (see pictures). A dream for a Naturalist, Explorer, Photographer, or…. 1.5 24,900 Details
Dillingham - Lake Aleknagik, Wood River-Tikchik State Park SOLD - A one of a kind, large parcel in the most renown fishing – hunting areas there is. Perfect for development; Lodge, Youth Camp, Subdividing, or……. 79.98 $330,000 Details
Wood River
SOLD - A “Landmark” location, “Moody’s Fuel Service” and 3 older homes on Wood River/Lake AleKnagik with over 500’ lakefront. A dream location waiting for an enterprising new owner! 1.5 $790,000 Details
Clear Creek – Chase Area SOLD - A very nice tract on one of south central Alaska’s “Premier” fishing streams. Best known for its great King and Silver Salmon run. Great place to hunt moose or bear and in the winter, it is a fun place for snowmobiling. 4.99 $27,500 Details
Trapper Creek Area SOLD - Snowmobilers – ATVers – Hunters, a perfect cabin spot! Located about 5 miles north on the Parks Hwy. from the intersection of Petersville Road and apr. 2 miles west of the highway, is where you will find this great, off the grid parcel, overlooking Trapper Creek. Nice view too. 4.87 19,900 Details
Cantwell – Drashner Lake Front SOLD - A large, apr. 4.235 sq.ft., Home, 2,400 sq.ft. Garage for all your “Toys”, Airstrip/Floatplane access, Private Road to property, Electric & Telephone, stunning Setting. Perfect for year round living! Or a group of snowmobilers, etc. Check out the Details. 4.2 $368,000 Details
Willow SOLD - A cozy, neat and clean, 560’ sq. ft. cabin, built in 2006 and being used as a weekend cabin. Year round road access, secluded setting, and a 1½ hour drive north of Anchorage. Check out the Details and Photos. 0.8 $66,500 Details
Thorne Bay – Prince of Wales Island SOLD - A nice recreation lot or… road accessible, power in the front yard and in one of Alaska’s prettiest settings. Best known for trophy black bear and deer, but also well known for great fishing; be it ocean – lakes or rivers. Ferry and scheduled air service to Ketchikan and road access to Craig for shopping. This is truly one of the areas you still can live off the land & ocean. See Details. 3.5 $27,500 Details
Prince of Wales Island – Edna Bay (Kosciusko Is.) SOLD - A beautiful spot for recreation or possibly year round living. It is here where you leave your worries behind. Secluded setting. Great fishing, hunting, etc. 3.94 $16,500 Details
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