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Anchorage, AK
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Southeast Alaska

Area Description Apr. Acres Price Details
Ketchikan area – Moser Bay A short boat ride from Ketchikan, apr. 20 miles north, to this beautiful, quiet area. Very protected and a great place to base yourself out of for some fine ocean or river fishing! 1.3 29,000 Details
SE - Prince of Wales Island/Orr Island As unique as it can be! A Float House literally in Paradise, on a State Land Lease (which are not available anymore). 4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms, several Outbuildings, etc. You must check out the details and pictures. State Land Lease 295,000 Details
Yakataga Reduced to Sell!! $175,000
A rare find along SE Alaska's coastline, with lots of history in an area where private parcels are as good as non available. Best known for Trophy Moose, Black or Brown Bear hunting as well as some of the "Best" Silver Salmon fishing Alaska has to offer. 20lb. Silvers are not uncommon. Great ocean view! Up on a hillside with ATV access. Please check out the details if you think you are man enough for something like this.
100 + - 300,000
Icy Bay – 60 miles W of Yakutat Under Contract
A “Rare” find in Icy Bay! Great Ocean front and Non Ocean front lots with owner financing available. This is Paradise for the Outdoorsman, be a naturalist for kayaking/whale watching, a fisherman for fantastic fishing, a hunter for trophy moose, mountain goats, bears, wolves or the elusive glacier bear. See Pictures, Location, Prices in Detail section.
1 to 43 $28,000
Prince of Wales Island – Edna Bay A beautiful spot for recreation or possibly year round living. It is here where you leave your worries behind. Secluded setting. Great fishing, hunting, etc. 3.9 25,500 Details
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