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Glennallen - McCarthy Area

Crosswind Lake

Under Contract
ASLS 2007-6, Tract 19, apr. 9.99 acres & ASLS 2005-25, Tract 20, apr. 9.77 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates:    Lat. 62° 20' 04" N and Long. 146° 00' 58" W    NAD27

    One of the larger tracts on Crosswind Lake (double lot) to be sold together on a beautiful point with a great View over the lake.

    This property rises gently up from the lake and has several very nice building sites.

    From here you see the Wrangell Mountains as well as the Alaska Range and the Chugach Mountains to the south.

    Crosswind Lake is very popular for Fishermen, Moose and Caribou Hunters (state resident only for Caribou).  There are some large Bears throughout the area and of course, Fishing is Outstanding! There is even a small Red Salmon run from the Copper River that enters the lake.

    There is excellent winter trail access, about 20 miles from the highway/Tolsona Lake Lodge.  There is quite a trail system throughout the area with quite a few being groomed in the winter.

    Summer access would be by a short floatplane flight in from Tolsona Lake or by your own plane. One may get there by ATV but it would be more of an expedition.

    If you are looking for a large parcel, lots of privacy on about a 10 mile long lake, you cannot beat this!  And by the way, you should have full cell coverage, which makes it quite convenient when your wife calls and wants to know if you got that "Big Moose".

    View the Northern Lights of the Midnight Sun. Something for everyone!

    The Price is reasonable at $65,000.-

    Click on images to enlarge

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