Here is where you find the Movers and Shakers from around the State and Nationwide. And prices have seen a steady increase over the years due to the popularity of this location. And rightfully so!
Where else can you find a waterfront parcel with an almost complete cabin in the world renown area of Lake Clark?
You literally can leave your hometown in the morning and catch the Lake Clark flight out of Anchorage, Merrill Field, and be at Keyes Point that evening in time for dinner while watching the late sunset.
Please Google Lake Clark National Park / Pressure as there is endless information and pictures available, so you see we are not blowing our horn as describing this place as one of the most beautiful places.
The apr. 1,100 sq. ft. Cabin is built out of native rough-cut lumber, post and beam construction, is close to being finished and just awaiting your personal touch for the kitchen, your choice of floor covering and decorations.
A fun thing to do if you are handy or the seller may finish the place to your liking upon a negotiated fee. Dollar for dollar this is a "Great" buy as one could not even begin to start anything for this asking price. And keep in mind, the protective CC&R's assure you won't have a junkyard or piece of crap building next to you.
The Price is $269,500.- Cash.
The association dues are apr. $600.- a year and are for maintenance of the runway, upkeep of the gravel roads, etc. (see CC&R's).