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Alaska Interior and Western Alaska

Wien Lake area – Becky Lake

ASLS 2013 – Tract A  -  apr. 15.42 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates:    Lat. 64° 23' 56" N and Long. 151° 07' 48" W

A quiet setting with the exception of the few private properties on the lake, here you are tucked away in the wilds of Alaska. 

Your closest settlement would be Manley Hot Springs, about 40 miles to the north.

This apr. one mile long lake would be best accessed by ski or float plane from Fairbanks, or…

The adventuresome may make a trip in by snowmobile from Manley Hot Springs, but you had better know what you are doing.

This area burned over 10 years ago as you can see in the photo the owner provided, but now you will find a young growth of Birch and Spruce throughout the area.

If you are a hunter, you will know that this is what the moose like to browse on.

So you here you have a nice parcel in a protective cove, perfect for the float plane pilot.

Offered for the great price of only $42,500.- 
Highly Motivated Seller. Will look at any reasonable Offer!

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