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Alaska Interior and Western Alaska

Stony River Area – Can Creek

US Survey 6968  -  apr. 5 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as shown on Survey:  Lat. 61° 09.5' N and Long. 154° 58.4' W
A once in a lifetime Opportunity!

This Location was selected by one of the most famous hunting guides of Alaska for his "Trophy" Moose hunters many years ago.

No neighbors as far as you can see. Well, you will have some; Moose and Bears. The black and brown variety. You literally will have the whole countryside to yourself.

Good news - bad news. There was a forest fire several years back as you can see on some of the enclosed pictures (no damage to the camp). The good news is the willows grew up and we all know what that means. Moose feed on the willows and are drawn to it like bears to honey.

The Improvements are a basic hunting camp, with a Cook Cabin, 2 Sleeping Cabins and a Storage Cabin.  Plus 3 – ATVs. And keep in mind, Everything you see had to be flown out in a Beaver floatplane from Anchorage, where every flight is around $4,000.-

The lake is marginal for a Cessna 185 or a 206.

You have 4 camp cabins full of "Stuff" plus all you need to survive in the wilderness. The only contact you will have with the rest of the world will be by Sat phone. Yes, you are remote and "Totally" off the grid!

For those of you who want to try a little fishing after a successful moose or bear hunt, you may be pleasantly surprised by catching an Arctic Grayling, Rainbow or Salmon, as Can Creek is a tributary to the fish rich Stony River.

The floatplane trip from Anchorage will likely be the most scenic trip you ever took; you fly through the Alaska Range, the famous Merrill Pass into the Stoney River country (about 2 hours).

Please check out all the pictures of the Improvements and the Game in the area, as pictures are worth a

1,000 words. Also read through the owners' extensive Inventory List and the Improved Property Fact sheet.

Properties like this are almost next to impossible to find any more and are worth a Premium!

This asking price is well below the premiums we normally see for this type of property, and it is only because the out of state seller experienced some personal hardship due to Covid and wants a quick sale.

The Price is $250,000.-  the seller may consider financing a small amount for a short period.

Click on images to enlarge

a a1 a1a
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c10 cook-cabin
Cook Cabin
Cook Cabin
cabin2 lumber-surplus
Lumber Surples
Sleep Cabins
Sleep Cabins
Sleep Cabin
Storage Cabin
Storage Cabin
Storage Cabin
Spike Camp
information-1 Inventory Moose & Bear photos
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