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Lodges, Business Opportunities & Private Estates

Commercial Operation on the Nushagak River

US Survey 7956, Lots 5, 6 & 7, Bristol Bay Recording District  -  120 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as shown on the Survey: 
Lat. 59° 01' 26' N and Long. 157° 41' 49" W -  Datum:  NAD27

    A great parcel of land in an area where "Prime" fishing spots are hard to come by.

    Needless to say, the fishing is outstanding and the facility is perfect for the Fisherman who does not want to spend $8K or $9K for a week of fishing.  So therefore it is a lot more appealing and much easier to book.

    Nevertheless, those are great accommodations and really fit into the "Great" Alaska setting. 

    You can check it out for yourself, but please "No Surprise Visits" as the seller is quite busy with all his guests.  All appointments and any further information needed will have to come through our office.

    Additional information, financial data, etc. will be available upon verification of proof of a buyer's financial capability.  As a potential buyer, keep in mind, that financing of these types of properties is almost as good as not available so please make sure you have the cash on hand or your favorite rich aunt.

    Total Price: $949,000.-

    This is a work in progress operation where extra boats are added as needed, as well as extra cabins and structures being added. This is a real "Must See" property to appreciate it all. There are 10 boats, 7 cabins, numerous Weatherports for kitchen, social area, fish cleaning, etc. Guest capacity 24+

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