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Ocean Front and Prince William Sound Property

Johnstone Bay - Excelsior Glacier Lake

ASLS 90-033  -  4.48 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates:    Lat. 59° 58' 28" N and Long. 148° 47' 43" W

    There are no other words to describe this parcel other than;  Just Simply Stunning!

    There are no neighbors surrounding you, just State land.  Where else can you find something like this anymore?

    Certainly not State side, as it probably would be a Million Dollars or more.

    You can reach this parcel by floatplane, but be aware as there are ice bergs of various sizes on the lake.

    Hike – Explore – Deep Sea fishing in the ocean for Halibut, Salmon, set a Crab pot or simply just Whale Watch.

    A perfect place to build yourself a summer retreat and just take in the scenery, while you sip that special 30-year-old malt whiskey with a 500-year-old ice cube.

    Hurry, as this place will certainly create a lot of interest due to its uniqueness.

    The Price:  $99,000.-  Cash only.

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