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Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Alexander Creek

"Handyman Special"
ASLS 81-069  -  4.68 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates:    Lat. 61° 32' 03" N and Long. 150° 36' 48" W  NAD27

About 15 miles up Alexander Creek by jet boat on a nice hill with a great view over the surrounding area (think Moose or Bear hunting) is where you will find this special deal.

The owner/widow has not been there for 10 years and the pictures you see are from that period.  We all know that Alaska can be rough, so expect to put in a little bit of elbow grease, as the cabin will certainly need a little bit of TLC here and there.

After all I was told by a neighbor that a bear found a liking to the property and tried to make it his home.  I know from my own experience they can leave a bigger mess then a herd of teenagers.  But the overall structure should still be sound.

Looking at the plat it looks like there are no neighbors to the north or west of it and you are fronting on the Creek.

There is good Silver Salmon fishing as well as Rainbow, Graying and Pike.  The King Salmon fishing has been closed for a while.

The owner would make someone a "Heck of a Deal" if they have all cash.  But as she said she will not give it away, as parcels in that area go for around $35K.

So if you have or have access to a jet boat and think about building, you may want to take a hard look at this property, especially considering today's  lumber costs and what it takes to get it all on site.

Everything on the premises stays (you may not want it all😊) but there it is.

But hurry, as at today's market with good deals like this, they are hard to come by and seldom stay around too long.

Just $69,900.- Cash

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