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Alaska Interior and Western Alaska


At the Intersection of the Parks and Denali Highway
US Survey 3203 B, Block 9, Lots 12 & 13, (Block 12, Lot 5, Block 13, Lot 3)

Cantwell, for those of you who do not know where Cantwell is, it is just outside of McKinley Park on the south side.  To be exact, about 3 miles from the Park border. 

No wonder it is such a popular place as this area is literally bursting at the seems with Park visitors during the summertime.  There may be a need for rentals or a place to camp be it for Park employees, summer visitors or just people who like the remoteness of this little village and yet having access to modern amenities.

These properties are part of the original Homesite of Cantwell before the Parks Highway connecting to Fairbanks and Anchorage existed.

Yes, up to the early 70s, getting access to McKinley Park was not all that easy.  The railroad or one had to drive from Anchorage, Glennallen, Paxton and then a bumpy dusty gravel road (still not much better from Paxton to Cantwell to the Park Headquarters/entry).

I would guess you never heard of property that cheap, a quarter acre of land for $17,500.-!  And yes, we have 4 of those lots for sale.  The owner moved out of state and may even discount a bit for all cash.

But keep in mind, you better know how to backpack, as you are totally off the grid and access is pretty much by foot.  The roads shown on the survey/plat are not all in yet, so you would be able to feel like a real pioneer, almost unheard of these days.

So hurry before someone else beats you to this Bargain!

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