Properties, LLC
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Anchorage, AK
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Talkeetna - Petersville, Willow and Big Lake Areas

Bald Mountain Area SOLD |
Talkeetna Area
ASLS 82-1, Block 7, Lot 9, South Bald Mtn. Subd. - Apr. 10.6 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates: Lat. 62° 12’ 44.27” N and Long. 149° 46’ 56.23” W – Datum: NAD27
(For a Google Earth Fly Over)
A nice getaway if you are adventuresome and yet not so terribly far out that you can not get to it. But nevertheless, it will only be accessible by snowmobile or possibly ATV access for the hearty one.
In order to get there from Anchorage, you drive up the Parks Highway to the Talkeetna cut off, from there you go about 3 miles to Yoda Road and from there the trail begins.
This is a great place if hunting is in your blood and for you serious snowmachiners; it is from here where you can explore some challenging terrain. Definitely not for the novice!
Since this lot fronts on the middle fork of Montana Creek, you may just catch a fish or two.
An inexpensive lot to build your dream cabin on. Totally off the grid.
The Price is only $15,000.- Seller may consider terms.
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"We are proud to represent the Seller on this fine property"
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