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Glennallen - McCarthy Area

Crosswind Lake


ASLS 2005-25, Tract 24  -  Apr. 9.97 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as:  Lat. 62° 20' 07" N and Long. 146° 01' 57" W -  Datum:  NAD27
(Take an Over Flight on Google Earth)

    A beautiful, large tract on the ever so popular Crosswind Lake in the Copper River Valley / Glennallen area.  This lake is well known for its trophy size Lake Trout (35 to 40 lbs.), Burbot, Grayling, Red Salmon, etc.

    In the spring and fall, one can watch the mighty Nelchina Caribou herd migrating to and from their summer grounds. There are Moose, Bear, Wolves, Fox, Lynx and of course, a full assortment of Water Fowl.

    This is an exceptionally nice lot as it is apr. 20' up from the lake shore with a commanding view of the Alaska Range and the 16,000' foot snow capped mountains of the Wrangell St. Elias Park and the Chugach Range to the south.

    Access is by snowmobile, apr. 18 miles from the highway, Tolsona Lake Lodge, or by air taxi in the summer from Tolsona Lake.  It is about a 3 hour drive from Anchorage to Tolsona Lake, Mile Post 170 on the Glenn Highway.

    Yes, the price is high but if you want a special lot, well, it is the old saying, you get what you pay for.

    The owner says, this very well could be the "Best" lot on Crosswind Lake, with about 900' of lake frontage.

    The Price is:  $50,000.- $45,000

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