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Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Fish Creek

Lower Fish Creek off Kroto Slough
ASLS 90-024  -  9.91 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as shown on plat: 
  Lat. 61° 40' 12.69" N and Long. 150° 31' 22.06 " W  DATUM: NAD27

    This is a hidden away area and only very few people know about it.  It is hard to find the first time around as one has to go in Kroto Slough at the mouth of the Yentna River. And then stay to the left and it will funnel you right into Fish Creek.  What an appropriate name!

    During the Salmon runs there is outstanding Fishing in that lower area of Fish Creek.  Once you get up higher the creek gets considerable smaller but still doable by jet boat.  I have been told you may get into some "Excellent" Rainbow fishing.

    I fly and every time I fly over that area, I think it is remarkable just how few cabins are on Fish Creek. And yes, I have seen some nice size Moose in the area as well as Bears.

    This large tract of land would make it perfect for someone who does not want to go hours and hours away to get into some Prime Fishing or Hunting areas.  Depending on your boat or snowmobile, you should be able to get there in a good hour.

    A good Super Cub pilot on floats may be able to land on a small lake about a half mile behind the property.

    All this can be yours for only $16,000.-  Cash

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