Properties, LLC
Your Remote & Recreation Real Estate Broker
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Anchorage, AK
Phone: 907-277-4608
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Lodges, Business Opportunities & Private EstatesYentna-Sustina
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AlaskaBristol BayKenaiIliamna
- Lake ClarkSoutheast AlaskaTalkeetna - Petersville, Willow, Cantwell, Big Lake and Matanuska River AreasSold Properties

Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Yentna River - Fish Lakes AreaSOLD |
“Otter Lake”
ASLS 74-071, Tracts G, apr. 4.98 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates: Lat. 61° 56’ 53” and Long 151° 00’ 04” – Datum: NAD27
An exceptionally great buy on a beautiful lake front lot in a secluded setting. There are just a few cabins on this quaint, apr. ¾ mile long lake. Access is fly in only or snowmobile in the winter and it is only about a half hour flight north westerly from Anchorage.
Here you can have a beautiful lake front building site, lots of wildlife and great salmon fishing in nearby Fish Creek.
This is strictly an off the grid recreation property at a fantastic price! You would have to look far and wide to find such a bargain. But the seller wants all cash for it.
Only $15,000.- Cash.
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"We are proud to represent the Seller
on this fine property"
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