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Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Near Shell Lake     

ASLS 72 – 043, Tract T
Apr. 5 Acres
Apr.  GPS Coordinates:  N 61° 56’ 19”  W 151° 26’ 32” – Datum NAD 1927

    This parcel would be a great place to hunt, do a little bit of fishing and or, just to get away from it all.

    This secluded setting is just north of Shell Lake surrounded by the Shell Hills and has a reputation of excellent moose hunting.

    This water front parcel has easy access in the wintertime by snowmobile, as it is just a couple miles north of the Iditarod rail and or by float or ski plane.

    It is about a 50 minute flight out of Anchorage to get you to this secluded setting.

    Offered for the reasonable price of only $25,000.- $20,000.-
    Seller would consider terms.

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"We are proud to represent the Seller on this fine property"
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