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Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Onestone Lake Area SOLD |
ASLS 81-110, Block 5, Lot 7
Apr. 4.29 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates: Lat. 61° 55’ 33.69” N and Long. 151° 33’ 00.93” W
(For a Google Earth Fly Over)
This remote parcel is located near a float plane size lake (Onestone Lake near Shell Lake).
This would be a great place for a dog mushers as the famous Iditarod Sled Dog Race goes right by here. It is here where you can celebrate with a traditional party as the mushers come through on their way to Nome and people cheer their favorites on.
For snowmobilers, this is the area where you can venture out into the real back country.
A cabin site for fishing, hunting or… at a very low price.
Only: $8,750.-
But at this price the seller does want Cash.
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"We are proud to represent the Seller
on this fine property"
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