Properties, LLC
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Anchorage, AK
Phone: 907-277-4608
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Mat Su area (Road – ATV acc.) From Petersville, Cantwell
Willow, Big Lake areas To Knik Arm & Sutton areas

Trapper Creek Area SOLD |
Trapper Creek Glen ASLS 79-242, Block 25, Lot 5
Apr. 4.87 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates : Lat. 62° 23’ 29” N and Long. 150° 19’ 45” W - Datum: NAD27
(Take an Over Flight on Google Earth)
Snowmachiners, ATV’ers, Hunters, take notice! Here is a great piece of property overlooking Trapper Creek. The property is high and dry with a great view. There are ATV trials throughout the area. There is also an active property owner’s association ($50.- a year) which maintains small bridges across the creek, etc.
This would be a great cabin spot as it in the midst of great snowmobiling country; there are maintained snowmobile trails throughout the area. And of course, there is wildlife galore surrounding you. With enough clearing you would have a great view of the Alaska Range, McKinley, etc.
Offered for a great price for an exceptionally nice lot.
The seller prefers cash.
Only $19,900.-
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"We are proud to represent the Seller on this fine property"
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