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Yentna-Susitna Drainage

Talachulitna River

"The Old Talstar Lodge"
ASLS 77-084  -  apr. 4.66 acres
Apr. GPS coordinates as shown on plat:    Lat. 61° 51' 31.6" N and Long. 151° 23' 43.8" W

    Back in the day, this was a fine operating lodge.  The current owner took it private, just for his friends, buddies and family.

    As age is sneaking up on him, he decided it may be time for some other like minded person or maybe even a small group of friends to enjoy the place like he did.

    As with any of the remote properties there is maintenance to be done and as he said, the place could use a little TLC.

    Typically, your friends will love the fishing or hunting, but then they will have 2 left hands when it comes time to spruce the place up.

    Also, the owner informed me that during break up time, ice jams can form and some flooding may occur, although it is all dried up in early June.

    If you don't know about the Talachulitna River, it is the "Premier" fishing stream in Southcentral Alaska with all 5 species of Salmon and fantastic Rainbow angling.

    If hunting is in your blood, there are literally 100's of river miles for both Moose and Bear (black and brown).

    You may also want to Google the Talachulitna River to see for yourself. 

    The owner is literally done with it and selling it for $200,000.- (we sold this place some 15 years ago for over $500K). 

    So you see, this is truly a bargain like you rarely will find.  The property is surrounded by State land and with that said, it is almost worth the asking price.

    Please check out the Improved Information Fact Sheet and pictures.

    Click on images to enlarge

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