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Alaska Interior & Western Alaska



On the Kuskokwim River
US Survey 3093, A & B, Lot 4, Block 4, Tract A  -  Apr. 6,213 sq. ft.

    About 320 miles west from Anchorage as the crow flies is where you will find the quaint village of Aniak.  There are apr. 500 people who live there full time.

    Aniak is served daily by commercial flights out of Anchorage.

    This property would be perfect for someone who wants to start a small commercial operation; be it for a specific retail store, a pizza or hamburger place, a service repair shop or maybe even a floatplane operator, as the property is the first lot from the river.

    The choice or imagination is yours, but to be realistic, you could not find anywhere a big building of apr. 1,400 sq. ft. at such a "Great" location.

    It is a very low price of only $75,000. $42,500- so therefore the seller would prefer all cash.
      But no less than a $45,000.- down payment.

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