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Southeast Alaska

 Southeast Alaska

Apr. GPS coordinates:  Lat. 55° 54' 13.13" N and Long. 133° 22' 52.83" W

    As unique as Alaska itself, this Floating House is in one of the most scenic areas of Southeast Alaska. It's unique setting is in one of most fish rich areas and well, you always wanted no neighbors.  So, there you have it, tucked away in a protected bay.

    Please check out the maps and location so you can see how far away you are from civilization, as everything you have there must be brought in, either by boat or float plane from Craig, Ketchikan or Naukati.

    The Floating House is on a State Lease (see below).  Leases like this are not given out by the State anymore (I guess they are too good of a deal).  There is only one caveat, you have to do some kind of a commercial operation to assume the lease from the State.

    You could run a small fishing operation, take people on a nature trip, watch the whales, etc.

    As you can see in the drawings the facility is quite large with several bedrooms for your friends or guests. Be sure to read the Improved Property Information Sheet. There may be additional items included that the seller would point out upon your inspection.

    Well if you are longing for a lifetime change, this may just be the perfect spot for you and you may even be able to generate a little income as a side business.

    Please check out all the detailed drawings, property information sheet, location so you can see what you can get into.

    The Price for this little bit of Paradise is only $295,000.-

    Keep in mind remote places like this will not be bank financeable, so you have to have the cash.

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"We are proud to represent the Seller on this fine property"
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